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桀是个极端残暴,放荡的人。Jie was extremely tyrannical and dissolute.

暴君老板有两类。Tyrannical bosses come in one of two packages.

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略者的残虐的行径,激起了当地民众的反抗。The intruders' tyrannical behavior led the local people to revolt.

他那么专横跋扈,没人愿意为他工作。He's so arbitrary and tyrannical that no one wants to work for him.

一名身弱体壮、脾气鼓鼓残暴实喊先羿的弓箭脚挽救了人间。The earth was saved by a strong and tyrannical archer named Hou Yi.

而现在我们同样需要付诸革命的行动来撼动这个暴虐的政府。And now we need the same revolutionary acts to bring down this tyrannical government.

然而后羿没有理会王母娘娘的警告,他被名利冲昏了头脑,变成了一个暴君。Hou Yi ignored her advice and, corrupted by fame and fortune, became a tyrannical leader.

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凡违反犯罪基本人权的法律都是无理的和专制的。Any law that violates the indefeasible rights of man is essentially unjust and tyrannical.

凡违反基本人权的法律都是无理和专制的。Any law that violates the indefeasible rights of man is essentially unjust and tyrannical.

桀是个极端残暴、放荡的人,他激起了人民的极度不满。Jie was extremely tyrannical and dissolute. This aroused great resentment among the people.

他感到羞愧的原因是,自己一直在捍卫,不公及专制君主式的人生。He's shamed by the fact that he has been defending injustice and the tyrannical way of life.

接着,王尊又惩办了一批罪行严重而又没有悔改的豪强。Then, Wang Zun and a number of serious crimes and the punishment did not repent of the tyrannical.

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那么你认为你是谁,竟敢用这种暴虐的态度对待自由而理智的人?And who are you, then, that arrogate to yourself this tyrannical right over free and rational beings?

但现在,不可思议的绿巨人登陆了遥远的星球SAKAAR,被残暴的红王所奴役。But now THE INCREDIBLE HULK crash-lands on the distant planet SAKAAR, ruled by the tyrannical RED KING.

他认为,如果暴虐的政府无权控制信息和意识的传播时,它是不可能存在的。No tyrannical society can long exist, he felt, when it cannot control the flow of information and ideas.

几十年来,萨达姆-侯赛因的残暴统治给这些油井带来的痛苦,可谓罄竹难书!"For decades, these oil wells have suffered untold misery under Saddam Hussein's tyrannical rule, " said U.

影片描绘了睿智的的神探狄仁杰和专制的女皇武则天两个角色,形成强烈的对比。The film depicts a strong contrast between the characters of the cerebral Judge Dee and tyrannical Empress Wu.

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但是该地区在这种事情上权威和残暴的界线模糊的令人震惊。But the line between authoritative and tyrannical in these matters in this part of the world is horrifically blurred.

自从西亚德·巴雷的军政府在1991年垮台之后,索马里一直都没有一个持久的国民政府。Since the fall ofthe tyrannical government of Siad Barre in 1991, Somalia has not had apermanent national government.

暴君都是为求自己的益处的,但在神的国里,任何渴望权力地位的人,都要作别人的仆人。Tyrannical rulers are self-seeking. But in God's kingdom, anyone who aspires to positions of power must be a servant.