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象牙喙啄木鸟,阿肯色州Ivory Billed Woodpecker, Arkansas

1836年,阿肯色州成为第25个州。In 1836, Arkansas became the 25th state.

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在阿肯色州提出申请很占优势。Applying in Arkansas was a big advantage.

我觉得我们至少必须为阿肯色州辩护。I thought we at least had to defend Arkansas.

虽然我努力为他争取了,杜卡基斯在阿肯色州也没有获胜。We didn’t carry Arkansas either, though I tried.

你甚至没有从阿肯色寄张明信片给我。You didn’t even send me a postcard from Arkansas.

早晨5点钟,这在阿肯色州是最早的换班时间。At 5 a.m., it was the earliest shift change in Arkansas.

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而在阿肯色州,减刑必须经过州长的批准。In Arkansas the governor had to commute their sentences.

阳光照在阿肯色中部一处平静的湖上闪闪发光。Sunlight glints off a tranquil lake in central Arkansas.

阿肯色州民主党主席比尔·格瓦特尼被袭击身亡。Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman Bill Gwatney has died.

2003年,他成为了阿肯色大学法学院的院长。In 2003, he would become Dean of the Arkansas Law School.

“克林顿以前曾做过阿肯色州州长”这句话该如何译?Bill Clinton previously served as the governor of Arkansas.

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他以为阿肯色州的媒体都会听他的一面之词。He thought he would have the Arkansas press all to himself.

这个州的西部让我联想到阿肯色州北部。The western part of the state reminded me of north Arkansas.

罗杰最终还是被逮捕了,这在阿肯色州是头条新闻。When Roger was finally arrested, it was big news in Arkansas.

阿肯色州是成绩超过全国平均分的唯一一个州。Arkansas was the only state to score above the national average.

6月,我签字批准执行了1964年以来阿肯色州的第一批死刑。In June, I approved the first executions in Arkansas since 1964.

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道奇城位于威奇托城以西的堪萨斯州西南部城市,傍阿肯色河。A city of southwest Kansas on the Arkansas River west of Wichita.

在全国民意测验中,德克萨斯队名列第一,阿肯色队位居第二。Texas was ranked first and Arkansas second in the national polls.

译阿肯色州的气候适宜于多种农业。The climate of Arkansas is favorable to diversified agricultures.