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序列化已知扩展,忽略其他所有扩展Serialize known-extensions and ignore everything else

传入的第一个参数是要序列化的值。The first parameter passed in is the value to serialize.

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使用一个媒体类型格式化器序列化此例子实例。Use a media-type formatter to serialize the example instance.

应用程序必须序列化对集合枚举数的调用。An application must serialize calls to collection enumerators.

首先,互斥对象是用于串行化存取*共享数据*。First of all, mutexes are used to serialize access to *shared data*.

不过,可以将恢复序列化,以减少所需的即时容量。However, you can serialize your recovery to reduce the instantaneous required capacity.

如前所述,由于需要序列化数据,这些类型会导致性能问题。As noted before, these types cause performance problems as you need to serialize the data.

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串行化,并且在基于MOF的仓库中保持XMI企业架构模型。To serialize and persist in XMI enterprise architecture models in the MOF-based repository.

手动创建新节点、填充文本属性并进行序列化,这样做的速度更快。It's faster to create a new node, populate its text attribute manually, and then serialize it.

格式子接收的功能是产生所需的标头,并序列化讯息到资料流。The function of the formatter sink is to generate the necessary headers and serialize the message to the stream.

如果仍无匹配,内容协商器便简单地捡取能够对类型进行序列化的第一个格式化器。If there are still no matches, the content negotiator simply picks the first formatter that can serialize the type.

它定义节点,边缘,形式,以及其他系列化图框架所需的图形信息。It defines nodes, edges, styles, and other graphical information that is required by the framework to serialize diagrams.

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不要序列化对象本身,而是把数据从对象中提取出来,放到一个字典里,然后再序列化那个字典。Rather than serializing the object, pull the data out of the object and put it into a dictionary. Then serialize the dictionary.

当会话数据写入到远程副本时,对会话数据进行序列化和反序列化所需的时间可能变得非常大。The time it takes to serialize and deserialize session data when they are being written to a remote copy can become considerably large.

您很可能确实希望多多少少地考虑如何串行化才能确保足够的灵活性,以便应对未来的发展。You probably do want to think at least a little about how you will serialize to ensure sufficient flexibility for evolution going forward.

解决方案是对插件和守护进程之间的所有交互进行序列化,每次只处理一个身份验证请求。The solution is to serialize all interactions between the plug-in and the daemon so that only one authentication request is handled at a time.

将来自当前地址头的信息项反序列化为具有指定类型的对象,该对象使用指定格式化程序对此信息进行序列化。Deserializes the information item from the current address header to an object of a specified type that uses a specified formatter to serialize this information.

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如果字符串是10个字符的电话号码或16位字符的信用卡号码,大多数记录可能都会补足字符,因此序列化所有内容也许没什么问题。If your string is a 10-character phone number or 16-character credit card number, chances are most records have the full complement of characters, so it may be OK to serialize them all.

从潜载导弹发射装置的作战需求和提高标准化、通用化、系列化、模块化这“四化”水平出发,探讨了发射装置共架问题。Based on the submarine missile launcher's operational requirements and improving the level of standardize, communalize, serialize and modularize, discussed the problem of common frame launcher.

你不能在快捷菜单的根标签内序列化数据绑定控件的内容。This means, for example, that you can't serialize the contents of the BoundControls in the body of the ContextMenu root tag. By using a different set of design-time attributes, you can work around it.