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这场雨变成了冻雨。The rain turned to sleet.

寒冷的十二月带来雨夹雪。Chill December brings the sleet.

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冬天来到时我们这儿会有雨夹雪和霜冻。When winter comes, we get sleet and frost.

冻雨下的泥,除了软弱就是冷落。Under the sleet putty, except weak is desolate.

大部分来壆滑雪的女孩实际上都是来找男朋友的。Most of the sleet bunnies come here to civilize.

我们结婚后,将生活与雨夹雪磨砂蛋糕。We will live upon wedding-cake frosted with sleet.

早上的雨夹雪过后天气潮湿多雾。Conditions were damp and foggy after morning sleet.

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“雪雪骗人!”可爱的小脸一皱。"Snow sleet is bogus! "Lovely small face a wrinkly.

这张图是在冰雨和暴风雨天气下拍摄的。This picture was taken during a sleet and rainstorm.

寒风卷着雨夹雪,在池塘上肆虐。The wind was whipping waves of sleet across the pond.

当雨穿过一层冷气层便成霰。Sleet forms whe fain falls through a layer of cold air.

雨最终转化为雨夹雪,就像在加拿大那样。Like the rain back in Canada that later turned to sleet.

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雪和冻雨每年要光顾这个地方一两次。Once or twice each year,snow and sleet move into the area.

雪和冻雨每年要光顾这个地方一两次。Once or twice each year, snow and sleet move into the area.

“奴婢知道该如何做了。”书雪应诺着下去。"The maidservant knew how to do. "Book sleet keeps on admitting.

寒冷的十二月带来雨夹雪,炉火熊熊,圣诞欢悦。Chill December brings the sleet , Blazing fire and Christmas treat.

降到地表的雨、雪、冰雹、冰雨、或雾。A low, gray, often dark cloud that precipitates rain, snow, or sleet.

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德州许多地区则出现2到4英寸的降雪和雨夹雪。Parts of central Texas could see two to four inches of snow and sleet.

当他们爬到山顶上的时候,雨夹雪已经变成了柔软的雪花。By the time they reached the top, the sleet had changed to fluffy snow.

雨夹雪使得外滩和游船上人烟稀少。The snow and sleet made people stay away from the Bund and the cruises.