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不行,汤姆少爷。Can't, Mars Tom.

这是老子的火星时间。That's my Mars time.

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火星结合海王星。Mars conjoins Uranus.

哦,不,我可不敢,汤姆少爷。Oh, I dasn't, Mars Tom.

这个疤痕有损于他的容貌。The scar mars his face.

火星上有生命吗?Does life exist on Mars?

是否在火星上钓鱼?Are you fly-fishing on Mars?

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就如我们常用的说法,火星和金星,粉女和蓝男,除了生殖能力,男人和女人甚少有共同点。Mars and Venus. Pink and blue.

皇家宠物食品公司是玛氏旗下的品牌。Royal Canin is a division of Mars.

火星快车号的火卫一动画。Phobos from Mars Express Spacecraft.

直到目前为止,尚没有人登上火星。As yet , no man has set foot on Mars.

火星和裂口不非常重要。Mars and nicks aren't very important.

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火星却有着相反的缺陷。Mars suffers from the opposite fault.

在马尔斯的胸脯上那女神叹伤。On breast of Mars the goddess sighed.

莫那的火星土壤从哪来的?So how did Mautner get soil from Mars?

登陆火星只是中国的障眼法。The mars business is just a deception.

我建议你用火星牌2B铅笔或者贝罗尔314号铅笔。I would suggest a Mars 2B or a Berol 314.

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火星是行星而太阳是恒星。Mars is a planet while the sun is a star.

漫游者号证实了火星确曾有水存在。Rover confirms presence of water on Mars.

规模宏大的计划,首先登月,然后是火星。Plans were big, first the moon, then Mars.