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这没有好战的意味。It has no warlike significance.

阿雷瓦西人是好战的族群。The Arevaci are a warlike people.

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所以利益是战争的根源。So the benefits is a warlike source.

三个新特性中的每一种都对应于资料片的战争属性。Each of the three new traits fits the warlike nature of the expansion.

塞纳留斯发觉这些兽人再次回到他们好战的本性。Cenarius became certain that the orcs had returned to their warlike ways.

多树木,少树敌。国无大小,好战必衰。Many trees and less make enemies. Kingdom without size, warlike will failure.

加之欧洲人民不断挑起的战争也是一个持续的被入侵的威胁。There was also the constant threat of invasion from warlike European peoples.

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日本统治阶层的尚武性使日本产生了以武力扩张做亚洲盟主的狂热。Japan's warlike nature results in frenzy of being the leader of Asia by force.

他是一位年轻,好战的风神和雷暴之神,因此是自我产生的。He is a young, warlike god of wind and thunderstorms and thus fertility itself.

受到好战的伊娜娜指引,他渗透西奈半岛,入侵埃及。Directed by the warlike Inanna, he penetrates the Sinai peninsula, invades Egypt.

拉卡塔人难以置信地先进,但其尚武与好战的精神却成了他们灭亡的原因。The Rakata were incredibly advanced, but their warlike and aggressive spirit was their undoing.

什么时候你们能学会你们好战的方式是如此地徒劳无功,从长远来看不会为你赢得任何利益?When will you learn that your warlike ways are so futile and gain you no advantage in the long run?

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现在,我们面临朝鲜第二次实施的带有敌意的挑衅行为。We are faced today with the second provocative warlike act committed in recent times by North Korea.

我完全支持散播西方模式的民主制度,但不赞成付出让世界陷入战争状态的代价。I am all for spreading Western-style democracy, but not at the cost of making the world more warlike.

这些损失鞭策着人类,他们以军事的眼光看待外交——先开条件,再提要求。This loss embitters humans, and they have a warlike view of diplomacy — swing first, ask questions later.

昂着头出征,夹着尾巴回家,是庸驽而又好战的人的常态。——冯雪峰。Head high head for home, with tail, is commonplace the norm of a small mind and warlike people a tidy mind.

在宗教的感召下他们是最为好战的人,这点可以从他们栖身的城堡中体现出来。They were the most warlike of the religious orders, and this is reflected in the architecture they left behind.

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这些新人发明了壁画,成为第一批艺术家,然后创造了他们自己的好战文化。These new beings invented agriculture and became the first artists, then created their own warlike civilizations.

霍布斯把这些人具有的品质称之为,野蛮的,未开化的和好战的,他的这一论断只有在一定意义上是正确的。Hobbes regarded these passions in many ways as barbaric, as uncivilized and warlike and to some degree he was right.

研究人员发现,生活在乌干达凯贝尔国家公园努迦地区的黑猩猩类似战争的行为有一定的规律。Researchers observed warlike behavior on a regular basis among chimpanzees living in Ngogo in Uganda's Kibale National Park.