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还是方木更加深不可测?Is square still wood more abysmal?

那个人权纪录不堪入目的人。with abysmal human rights records.

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悲伤的灵魂在无底的深潭里哭泣。Woeful souls are wailing in an abysmal pond.

然而卡崔娜来袭时,计画的执行却是惨不忍睹。Yet when Katrina struck, the execution of that plan was abysmal.

细碧岩具枕状构造,属深海拉斑系列。The pillow structure shows the spilite is of abysmal theoilitic series.

他们的客户一般都想从无底的亏损中解放出来。Their customers are usually desperate to dig out from under abysmal losses.

即便当今就业市场低迷,网罗这类人力资源依然有其必要性。Even with today's abysmal job market there is a need to access this human capital.

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尽管如此,许多发展中国家的妇女识字率却令人叹息。Despite this, in many developing countries, the literacy rate for women is abysmal.

政府的“毒品战争”既是一个巨大的胜利又是一个长期的失败。The government's "war on drugs" has been both a tremendous triumph and an abysmal failure.

到目前为止,那位深不可测的院士的没有结果的著作仅仅完成了极少数部分。The abysmal academician's acarpous writing had accomplished little in achievements to date.

这个坚定的主张,让伯南克在预测近期的事件时留下了极其糟糕的记录。This is a strong claim, given Bernanke's own abysmal record of forecasting near-term events.

贝尔斯登12月20日宣布了第四季度惨淡的业绩后,事情变得更加糟糕。Things only got testier when Bear Stearns announced abysmal fourth-quarter results on Dec. 20.

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罚球不进、过分依赖跳投以及糟糕的防守整个赛季也都折磨着球队。Missed free throws, relying too much on jump shots and abysmal defense have plagued the team all season.

当然了,我在这个不景气的就业市场好运连连,但我在同样不景气的约会游戏中晦气不断。Sure, I lucked out in this abysmal job market, but I didn't luck out in the equally abysmal dating game.

此外,由于火星需要深不可测票房迪斯尼妈妈们应该现在已经证明,足以与外星人。And, as the abysmal grosses of Disney's Mars Needs Moms should have proved by now, enough with the aliens.

为什么我们要找一些过时的摇滚吉他手和有才华的歌手来模仿最糟糕的曲子??Why did we have some prehistoric rock guitarist and a talent show winner miming to some abysmal sound track?

这种事情往往是智库业务,正如我们前面看到的,这是一个糟糕透顶的做法。The think-tank business is known for this kind of thing, as we’ve seen earlier, and it’s an abysmal practice.

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匿名也使得中国公司免除来自官方和媒体对其糟糕的劳动条件的审查。Anonymity also spares Chinese companies from official and press scrutiny of labour conditions, which can be abysmal.

和那次彻底的失败相似,福田先生面对自己低迷的民望,也在今年8月重组内阁。In an echo of that disaster, Mr Fukuda, with abysmal ratings of his own, also shuffled his cabinet, in early August.

有人说表扬了温总理的闪避技能,也有人说攻击者的扔鞋准度不够。Others commented that either Premier Wen had shown off his dodging skills or the shoe thrower's skills were abysmal.