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她试图否认她的过去。She tried to disavow her past.

否决否认以及否定。I deny , disaffirm ang disavow that.

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士兵们,我们不能否认今天发生的一切。Men, we cannot disavow what happened today.

他拒绝否认他在人权问题上的态度。He had refused to disavow his attitudes on human rights.

也许最好的方式是不要和google完全地竞争。Perhaps the best approach these days is to disavow competition with Google entirely.

但是现在国家党在公众面前避开了最粗鲁的种族主义,宣称反对暴力。But in public the BNP now eschews the crassest racism and claims to disavow violence.

然而,共和党肯定迟早还会注意到否定林肯的其它原因。But sooner or later Republicans were bound to notice other reasons to disavow Lincoln.

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意大利不能完全抛弃卡扎菲,但却又不能护着他,因为卡扎菲这个角色已经没有说服力”。It cannot totally disavow Qaddafi, but it can't sustain him because he's become unpresentable.

只有采用非常含糊的提法,才有可能达成协议,而这些提法往往因其含糊而引起后来的否认或分歧。Agreement may be achievable only by formulas so vague as to invite later disavow al or disagreement.

道在宇宙中公平地运转,人类将会否认自己过分自信,有目的性的行为。As the Tao operates impartially in the universe, so should mankind disavow assertive, purposive action.

文化在这样的背景下意味着很多,但本质上,它是我们继承的一系列特征,我们可以否定也可以肯定。Culture means many things in this context, but at heart it is a suite of traits we inherit and also choose to disavow or to stress.

在他的报告中,纳斯鲁拉承认,上届政府因为哈里里被带到拒绝否认法庭下来。In his address, Nasrallah admitted that the previous government was brought down because of Hariri's refusal to disavow the tribunal.

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我们尊敬的呼吁「地方召会」及「水流职事站」领导,收回和停止出版这些和类似的教导。We respectfully call on the leadership of Living Stream Ministry and the "local churches" to disavow and cease to publish these and similar declarations.

然而,共和党肯定迟早还会注意到否定林肯的其它原因。But sooner or later, Republicans were bound to notice other reasons to disavow Lincoln. He was, after all, the first president to institute an income tax.

这封公开信呼吁“地方召会”与“水流职事站”,弃绝并收回其创建者李常受的有关神性本质与人性本质的引发争议的教导。This letter is a public appeal to disavow and withdraw controversial statements made by their founder, Witness Lee, on the doctrine of God and the doctrine of man.

就姚明的表现来说,不能因为输了一场球就否定他进入NBA顶级球星行列这一事实或者说趋势。As to Yao, we cannot tear down his performance coz of one holdback and also we cannot disavow that Yao has been performing as one of the most top NBA players this season.

然而,总统令并没有明确否认,若发现官员在美国本土使用“高强度审讯手段”将很有可能被视为违法行为。At the same time, Bush’s order pointedly did not disavow the use of“enhanced interrogation techniques” that would likely be found illegal if usedby officials inside the United States.

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即使寄希望于政治体系和他在国际废奴运动中的威望,他仍然拒绝否认暴力是摧毁奴隶制度的手段。Yet despite his hopes for the political system and his status as international celebrity of the abolitionist movement, Douglass refused to disavow violence as a means of destroying slavery.