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沉溺在你的世界,义无反顾。Incurably addicted to your world.

说句实话,人类真是愚蠢至极。In truth, man is incurably foolish.

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对于她的父亲和我是无可救药雄心勃勃。For father and myself she was incurably ambitious.

老实说,我说的”健康”是指乐观,不可救药的乐观!When I say "health" I mean optimism, to be truthful. Incurably optimistic!

把这条无法医治的病狗带到兽医那里去,请他把它杀死。Take the incurably sick dog to the veterinarian and ask him to put it away.

在历时四个月的住院治疗后,他被院方宣布永久失明,无法治愈。At the end of his four months in the hospital he was pronounced incurably blind.

经过四个月的诊断,史密斯太太还是被宣告为彻底失明且无法治愈。At the end of her four months in the hospital, Mrs. Smith was pronounced incurably blind.

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因为了解渔民的人经常评论他们是强盗,治愈乐观。As those who know fishermen well have often testified, they are gamblers and incurably optimistic.

可是青年人,永远朝着愉快的事情想,女人们尤其容易忘记那些不痛快。But young people are incurably optimistic and women have a special knack of forgetting their troubles.

他们相信,这种方法能使当时尚未有治疗方法的精神分裂病患者摆脱情绪困扰。This would leave incurably schizophrenic patients relieved of their emotional distress, they believed.

人类拥有七十年的寿命,却为何只是依然故我,无可救药地毒害自己的生命?Why has he acquired a seventy years' lifespan only to poison it incurably by the mere being of himself?

我的一只脚仍滞留在十九世纪,跟多数美国人一样,我也有点儿迟钝。Incurably optimistic! Still have one foot in the nineteenth century. I'm a bit retarded, like most Americans.

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直到有一天,他无可救药地爱上了一个抱着洋娃娃种蔷薇花的女孩子。Until one day, he fell in love with one to hug the girl who incurably the foreign-style doll planted the rose.

第三,弗农已经告诉玛姬哈利上的的是圣布鲁斯安全中心少年犯学校,那里专门收容不可救药的少年犯,哈利必须装作的确是如此。Third, Vernon has told Marge that Harry attends St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys, Harry has to play along.

他们会开出无数的安慰剂,说的话听起来比事实能说明的还令人鼓舞,并歪曲一些重大的消息,是对那些患有不治之症和要死的病人。They may prescribe innumerable placebos, sound more encouraging than the facts warrant, and distort grave news, especially to the incurably ill and the dying.

他们会开出无数的安慰剂,说的话听起来比担保的实情更令人鼓舞,并歪曲一些重大的消息,尤其是对那些患有不治之症和要死的病人。They may prescribe innumerable placebos, sound more encouraging than the facts warrant, and distort grave news , especially to the incurably ill and the dying.