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唯一不同的颜色就是穆斯林长袍的蓝色。The only color was that blue of the burka.

第三个女孩正在为是否需要脱下她的布卡尔而争论着。A third debated whether to take off her burka.

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正在被经期综合症困扰的女人应当穿阿拉伯长袍。Women suffering from PMS would be required to wear a burka.

真讨厌,在200米栏比赛中,穿长袍的话也太难了点。Dang, getting a competitive time in the 200 meter high hurdles is going to be difficult in a burka.

如果你们想要实施恐吓政策,认为你们有权禁止女性穿戴布卡的权利。If you want to terrorize, and think that it's your right to ban the free women from wearing the Burka.

也许就在这一刻,无所畏惧的辛姆普森藏身在他惯常所穿的穆斯林长袍下,正在伊朗骑车穿行呢。Perhaps at this very moment the fearless Mr Simpson is cycling across Iran disguised in his customary burka.

最引人注目的景象是穿着阿拉伯长袍的女牧民蹲在地上触摸山羊的奶头,感觉奶羊不好就把它放开。The most notable sight was a Bedouin woman in a burka squatting down to test the udders of a goat and rejecting it as not a promising milker.

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Tuckner先生将他的委托人描述为一个“小心肝”,说她的老板们无法抵抗她充满拉丁风情的模样,“所以他们宁愿她穿个帐篷或者是长袍来上班。”Mr Tuckner described his client as a "babe" and said her bosses could not resist her Latin looks "so instead they wanted her to wear a tent or a burka".

数月前她认为布卡是穆斯林妇女融入德国社会的阻碍,她表示将支持一项全国范围内的禁令。She said she would back a nationwide ban just months after revealing that she believed the burka was a barrier to Muslim women becoming integrated into German society.

虽然对塔利班政府规定必须穿著的长袍深痛恶绝,几年后,她却发现长及至踝的这种服装用于乔装改扮非常方便,让她可以偷偷潜入阿富汗境内,暗中设立女子学校的网络。She also detested the obligatory burka , but found the ankle-length cloak a useful disguise when, years later, she slipped back across the border to establish a clandestine network of girls' schools.