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图为荷兰女王贝娅特丽克丝的肖像。Tiety Entjes-Weij, of Queen Beatrix.

史蒂芬妮巴顿,是碧翠丝波特的出版商。Stephanie Barton is Beatrix Potter's book publisher.

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荷兰队还将在海牙受到贝娅特丽克丝女王的接见。The team will also meet with Queen Beatrix in the Hague.

贝娅特丽克丝热烈欢迎温家宝访荷。Beatrix warmly welcomed Premier Wen to visit the Netherlands.

女王贝娅特丽克丝宣布退位,其大儿子威廉·亚历山大接位成为新任国王。Queen Beatrix abdicated her throne and her eldest son Willem-Alexander became king.

自1980年以来,形式上的国家元首是奥林奇派的拿骚议院的比阿特丽斯王后。The pro forma head of state, since 1980, is Queen Beatrix of the House of Orange-Nassau.

BBC最近用一整套“碧雅翠丝·波特的商业指南”来详细阐发这个颇具洞察力的观点。The BBC recently elaborated on this insight in a series on "The Beatrix Potter Guide to Business".

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BBC最近用一整套“碧雅翠丝·波特的商业指南”来详细阐发这个颇具洞察力的观点。The BBC recently elaborated on this insight in a series on “The Beatrix Potter Guide to Business”.

崇英派们对碧翠斯波特、彼得潘和蒂尔达温斯顿毫无抵抗力。Anglophiles get all weak in the knees at the very mention of Beatrix Potter, Peter Pan and Tilda Swinton.

不过,碧翠丝波特不只是位童书作家,她也是位非常成功的环保学家。But Beatrix Potter was not just a talented children's writer, she was also a very successful environmentalist.

在早期,是比阿特丽克斯的制陶工人,在她英国乡下的水塘中—-鸭子自由地和兔子还有狐狸交谈。Early on, it was Beatrix Potter, in her rural England where Puddle-ducks conversed freely with rabbits and foxes. Dr.

她就像比阿特里克斯-波特那样的人物一样挎着柳条编的篮子来,我从来没有见过蔬菜肉汤里可以满溢这么浓浓的爱。She arrived like a Beatrix Potter character laden with wicker baskets. I never seen so much love in a vegetable broth.

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可是它的创造者,维多利亚时期的比阿特丽斯·波特本人的远见与决心却鲜有人知。But one thing that few readers will know about is the vision and determination of his Victorian creator, Beatrix Potter.

今年四月,荷兰女王比阿特丽斯退位后,威廉姆-亚历山大成为荷兰新国王。In April this year, Willem-Alexander was sworn in as King of the Netherlands after the abdication of his mother, Queen Beatrix.

贝娅特丽克丝还对温家宝8日中午专程赴王宫吊唁她去世的父亲表示衷心感谢。Beatrix also expressed heartfelt gratitude to Wen for taking a special trip to mourn for her father at noon on the previous day.

碧翠丝波特的手稿和札记都保存在,英国维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆内,一直到现在才被公布。The original drawings and writings of Beatrix Potter are kept at the Victoria and Albert Museum and until now have never been seen before.

在“公主日”到来前荷兰士兵骑着马匹练习,在这期间他们将护送比阿特丽克斯王后的金马车穿过海牙市中心。Dutch soldiers practice on horses ahead of the "Day of the Princess" during which they will escort Queen Beatrix who rides in the Golden Carriage through the center of the Hague.

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这项新的绿色提议不仅与她的书籍有关,也扩充到整个生产线,这项倡议将帮助,位在碧翠丝波特湖区边的土地,自然环境的保育。The new green initiative not only relates to her books, but extends to her whole product line. This will help preserve the natural beauty that surrounds Beatrix Potter's farm in the Lake District.