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消沈的思想妨碍进步。Downhearted thoughts hinder progress.

专注于能扶助你的人,而非妨害你的人。Focus on people who help, not hinder you

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祈祷和喂草不误行程。Prayers and provender hinder no journey.

铁生锈则坏,人生妨则败。——佚名。Iron rust is bad, hinder or fail in life.

自负总是会阻止你表达你的哀恸。Conceit will always hinder you from mourning.

你没法子阻挡我去实行我已经决定了的事。You cannot hinder me doing what I'm resolved on.

但是不能阻止用户继续填写表单。But they should not hinder the user from continuing.

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说明了色和空是不相碍而相同的。Showing color and sky is do not hinder and identical.

与前任在一起的经历对我们是会有所帮助还是阻碍?Will our experiences with our exes help or hinder us?

神绝不会容许受任何事物去拦阻祂的筹算。God will permit nothing to hinder what he plans to do.

我不会妨碍你工作,我这就去游泳。I wouldn't hinder your work,I'm going swimming right now.

分析师指出,减少承担风险可能会阻挠那些原本效力雷曼的员工.Less risk-taking may hinder ex-Lehman staff, analysts said.

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你能解释为什么这些旗帮助或者损害了好的构图吗?Can you explain why the flags help or hinder good composition?

金钱,人生德行中辎重也,虽万不可无,亦足阻碍进行。Money, in the life of virtue, though no no, is enough to hinder.

有了还追求更多的人,会防害自己享受己有的。Who seeks more than ha has hinder himself from enjoying what he has.

这一不幸事件可能会妨碍和平谈判的进程。This unfortunate incident may hinder the progress of the peace talks.

然而仍可能有些时机问题会妨碍百事可乐获得成功.Yet Pepsi may have a few areas of opportunity that may hinder success.

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他恳求我带他一起去,还说他不会成为我的累赘,相反还可能给我以帮助。He begged me to let him go with me and said he wouldn't hinder but help.

切勿阻塞本机散热孔或阻碍本机散热。Please do not block its ventilation hole or hinder its heat dissipation.

妇联组织的法律地位的模棱两可,使妇联的发展受到很大的阻碍。The uncertain legal status hinder the development of Women's Federation.