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那些游走不定的伤痛。Those who wander errant pain.

他曾是一个著名的游侠。He was a well-known errant knight.

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她到巴黎去把误入歧途的儿子领回来。She went to Paris to bring back her errant son.

走邪路的丈夫是指离开自己的妻子去跟别的女人私通。An errant husband is one who leaves his wife for other women.

偶尔也有情人追来寻找她行踪飘忽的情郎。Occasionally someflamewould come pursuit of her errant swain.

偶尔也有情人追来寻找她行踪飘忽的情郎。Occasionally some flame would come in pursuit of her errant swain.

西堤岛特调冰咖啡歌声在风中飞舞,漂泊的小船,驶向心灵的港湾。Song flutters in the wind, Errant boat, Drive towards the harbour of soul.

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例如,内存泄漏通常不会把自身表明为一个错误计算。For example, a memory leak typically doesn't exhibit itself as an errant computation.

在古代汉语中,“侠”字具有多种词性和丰富的内涵。"Errant Knight"has different parts of speech and related meanings in ancient Chinese.

但问题是似乎他也没有好好教训一下劣迹斑斑的北方邻居穆加贝的意思。But he seems no more willing to turn the screws on his errant northern neighbour, Robert Mugabe.

根系粗壮,侧根发达,根上具不定芽。有根瘤。Root system is sturdy, lateral root develops, errant shoot is had on the root, have root nodule.

他和他的家人选择低调,登上军转民的“漫游投机号”歼星舰外出游历。He and his family chose to lay low, traveling aboard the converted Star Destroyer Errant Venture.

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如果这位不忠的丈夫在德克萨斯诉讼离婚,这一表格的转变甚至更具有戏剧性。If the errant husband has the divorce filed in Texas, the tables are turned even more dramatically.

她甩了甩头,把落在眼前的一缕发甩开,用一种冷冷的眼神看着他。She jerks her head to toss an errant lock of hair out of her eyes and fixes him with a stony glare.

的确,在今后172年中,这种在太空中漫游的巨石的去向有各种可能,其撞击地球的概率为千分之一。Of course, a lot can happen to an errant space rock in 172 years, hence the odds of one-in-a-thousand.

一个春意盎然的天气里,我带着修剪工具想要把果树多余的树枝修剪一下。And then one day, in a fit of spring madness, I set out with a pruner and lopped off a few errant branches.

在伊拉克、阿富汗和巴基斯坦,从游曳的无人飞行器上发射的导弹迄今已经造成了多达1000民无辜平民的死亡。Missiles from errant drones have already killed as many as 1, 000 civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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然后有一天,在春天的疯狂合适,我跟随剪剪出来,并删除一些犯错误的分支机构。And then one day, in a fit of spring madness, I set out with pruner and lopper to remove a few errant branches.

经理可不傻,还不至于会盲目地被这样的一念之差引入岐途,但是他今天的情况特殊。The manager was no fool to be led blindly away by such an errant proposition as this, but his situation was peculiar.

男孩是由爱捣乱的两栖动物、懒惰的软体动物和活泼的小狗组成的,而女孩是由糖、香料和其他一切美好的事物所组成的。Boys are made of errant amphibians, mollusks and puppy parts while girls are made of sugar and spice and all that's nice.