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百度是GOOGLE的对立面。GOOGLE and Baidu is the antithesis.

百事是可口可乐的对立面。Pepsi is the antithesis of Coca-Cola.

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宝马是奔驰的对立面。BMW is the antithesis of Mercedes-Benz.

对照是修辞学中的一个修辞格。Antithesis is a figure of speech in rhetoric.

这一切都使得巴西成为中国的对照。All this makes Brazil the antithesis of China.

这是Friedman平坦世界的对立面。It is the antithesis of Friedman's flat world.

真正的对立存在于高贵与低贱之间。The real antithesis exists between noble and humble.

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而漠然的男人,才真真正正到达了爱的相反方向。But the indifference is really the antithesis of love.

流言是强度和诚挚的对立面。Gossip is the very antithesis of intensity and earnestness.

TARGET的对立面是沃尔玛,它的定位是便宜时尚。TARGET is the antithesis of Wal-Mart, its location is cheaper and fashion.

悲剧的日神因素和酒神因素这一对立在悲剧中被扬弃而归于统一。The antithesis of Apollo and Dionysus is sublated and united in tragedies.

空中巡航的创建,与匆匆忙忙拥挤不堪的客机形成对照。Aircruise was created as the antithesis of a hurried, crowded passenger jet.

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我不会把选票投给我不信任的那一方的候选人。I cannot vote for a candidate who stands for the antithesis of what I believe.

这是对仗心理学的主要假定是没有神。That is the antithesis of psychology's main presupposition of there is no God.

每一视域中的正题与反题都指向挥抹不去的现代忧虑。The modern worry can be found in the thesis and antithesis in every viewpoint.

而论文赋作者主要采用骄、律形式创作,也增添了阅读的审美感受。And the form of antithesis and rhyme also gives the readers aesthetic experience.

如果这个论文题解是罗斯福和相对立的里根的政策,那么他们的结合就是实用主义。If the thesis was Roosevelt and the antithesis Reagan, the synthesis is pragmatism.

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对偶通常是用平行的结构将相反的想法并列在一起。Antithesis is the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas, usually in parallel structure.

泰普史考特先生认为,“N世代在许多方面和电视世代相反”。"The Net Generation is in many ways the antithesis of the TV generation, " he argues.

当我们这样规定普遍时,我们便发现普遍与它的对方形成对立。In thus characterising the universal, we become aware of its antithesis to something else.