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滚出去。Get out.

少外出。Go out less.

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去把垃圾拖出去。Pull it out.

从来不外出。Never go out.

大声说出来Shout it out.

我伸懒腰。I stretch out.

他成功了。It worked out.

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大声唱出来!Sing Out Loud!

填好这些个。Fill these out.

出线口数。Out let Number.

孙先生现在不在。Sun is out now.

你很幸运啊!You lucked out.

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那么程序会怎么做呢?会显示答案为。t prints out 0.

也说“黔驴技穷”。Also said "out".

纳尼娜出去了。Nanine went out.

嘭的弹出一听可口可乐。Out pops a coke.

松出拖缆。Pay out towline.

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机会都跑光了。Run out of luck.

请大点声说Shout out again.

所以海狸搬家了。So he moved out.