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不要浪费你的时间在嫉妒上。Don’t waste your time on jealously.

我不会把我的时间浪费在嫉妒上。I will not waste my time on jealously.

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嫉火中烧,有可能导致你犯下错误。Jealously is likely to take over causing you to make a mistake.

只为了吟唱一季凄婉的秋歌,独守一个人的地老天荒?Just to sing the autumn season Sad Song, jealously guarding one's the end of time?

而从另一个角度来讲,民族国家对本国银行的监管权视若至宝,绝不容许他人染指。On the other hand, nation-states jealously guard the right to oversee their own banks.

然而赫敏出于嫉妒地带着假笑,但是却铁了心不把自己的真实情感表露出来。And then there's Hermione, simpering with jealously but determined not to show her feelings.

男士品牌已经嫉妒地注意到了这些好处,他们已经开始对男艺人们展开了公关。Having jealously noted these benefits, menswear labels are starting to go after male artists.

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我把你轻轻的含在我的口里,夜已经很累,只有我们独守寂寞。I am gentle with your mouth on my night very tired and only if we jealously guarding its loneliness.

在一间装饰豪华的洛杉矶宾馆套房里,约翰尼·丰塔纳象普通的丈夫一样喝得酩酊大醉。In a garishly decorated Los Angeles hotel suite, Johnny Fontane was as jealously drunk as any ordinary husband.

印度这块土地上的人以自我为中心、拥有优越感和自卑感、嫉妒、自私和贪婪。India is a land where people have big_egoes, superiority_and_inferiority complexes, jealously and selfish_greed.

或者,他们可能怀有嫉妒心地向你建议,你的想法或者概念整体来说是完全荒唐的,因为没人真正地在乎它。Or they may jealously suggest that the idea or concept as a whole is utterly ridiculous because nobody really cares.

他们花了一段时间才确定了这件事,因为她有很多秘密的藏宝地点,总是把她的收藏看得特别严。It took them a while to be sure of this, for she had many hiding places, having always guarded her collection most jealously.

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我们长时光地交谈,默然,但是都不承认爱着对方,而是胆怯猜疑地隐蔽起对对方的爱。We talked a long time, and were silent, yet we did not confess our love to each other, but timidly and jealously concealed it.

妒嫉会使我们争吵,妒嫉会使我们相争,妒嫉更会让我们充满怨恨,而产生妒嫉就是魔鬼的事工!Jealously makes us quarrel and fight among each other. Jealously fills us with hatred for others, jealously is the work of the devil.

猫盯着头顶上飞过的鸟,斗牛犬独占并保护着爪下代表诱惑的苹果。A cat holds the gaze of a bird flying overhead, and a bulldog jealously protects the apple of temptation that nestles beneath his paw.

这是有史以来外国政府对瑞士长期保卫的银行保密传统所发起的最大挑战.The case marks the biggest challenge yet by a foreign government to Switzerland's long and jealously guarded tradition of bank secrecy.

同时,出淤泥而不染的品性,昭示着主人身份的刚正不阿,独守一份坚持与执着。Meanwhile, the lightness finds the character, which makes clear identity of the owner fair, jealously guarding persist and perseverance.

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另一片海则更为精明,小气地把河水储存起来。无论你怎么利诱,它就是没有那种慷慨的冲动,滴水不放。The other sea is cleverer, storing its income jealously. It will not be tempted into any generous impulse. Every drop it gets, it keeps.

威尼斯副市长表示,在船夫行业中,存在过度的男性统治。Venice's deputy mayor said that there had been excessive male domination inside the gondolier's guild, which jealously guards the trade.

帝国海军带着鱼雷艇、航空母舰以及各种长枪短炮占领了大海,并守财奴一般地小心看护着。The Imperial Japanese Navy with their Long Lance torpedoes, aircraft carriers and big guns had captured the sea and guarded it jealously.