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遭到伏击的警察来自南部什叶派城市纳杰夫。The policemen were from the southern Shi'ite city of Najaf.

纳杰夫市一位高级警官说,他手下有几名警察失踪。A senior police official in Najaf said several of his men were missing.

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在伊拉克的纳杰夫市爆发的一场大规模斗争被用手机拍了下来。A massive battle in the Iraqi city of Najaf is caught on cell phone video.

只有一种情况才能让托尼·布莱尔和乔治·布什面对昨日发生在纳杰夫的场面略感安慰。In one sense, Tony Blair and George Bush could draw comfort from yesterday's scene in Najaf.

他们之间的恩怨情仇可以追溯到2004年夏在圣城纳杰夫的决一死战。Their mutual enmity dates back to a showdown in the holy city of Najaf in the summer of 2004.

纳杰夫,被谋杀的四世伊斯兰阿里发艾利的神龛,是什叶派穆斯林的圣地。The shrine of Ali, the assassinated fourth caliph of Islam, is a holy place for Shi'ites in Najaf.

激进派牧师穆克塔达·萨德尔的支持者计划在纳贾夫举行游行示威。Supporters of radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr planned to mark the day with a demonstration in Najaf.

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伊拉克官员声称今天在撒旦不名枪手开枪并杀死一名高级叶什派传教士。Iraqi officials say unidentified gunman shot and killed a senior aide to Shiite Cleric A- sadr Najaf today.

每年数以百万的什叶派朝圣者来到这座伊斯兰圣城朝拜,包括纳杰夫和卡尔巴拉。Millions of Shiite pilgrims travel each year to the major holy sites of Islam here, including Najaf and Karbala.

报告霍乱病例的其它省包括安巴尔、巴士拉、迪亚拉、迪瓦尼亚、米桑和纳杰夫。Other provinces in which cholera cases have been reported include Anbar, Basra, Diala, Diwanyia, Misan and Najaf.

纳杰夫的大多数什叶派领导人一贯反对伊朗的霍梅尼关于什叶派神职人员应当掌权的观念。Most Iraqi Shiite spiritual leaders in Najaf have long opposed Khomeini's notion that Shiite clerics should be in power.

消防队员浇上郁积在什叶派圣城纳杰夫星期一的几起爆炸毁坏的车辆残骸。Firefighters doused the smoldering wreckage of vehicles destroyed by several explosions in the Shi'ite holy city of Najaf Monday.

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遭到伏击的警察来自南部什叶派城市纳杰夫.纳杰夫市一位高级警官说,他手下有几名警察失踪。The policemen were from the southern Shi'ite city of Najaf. A senior police official in Najaf said several of his men were missing.

在纳贾夫的发言人提出撒旦现要提出占领军队和与其它对此次枪杀负责任的人合作。A- Sadr Spokesman in Najaf quote Sadr as saying that quoting now occupy forces and others working with them are responsible for the killing.

布什总统的国家安全顾问赖斯说,尽管在纳杰夫和其它地区继续有暴力事件发生,但伊拉克在政治领域正在取得进展。President Bush's national security adviser says progress is being made on the political front in Iraq, despite the violence that continues in Najaf and elsewhere.

磁带中的萨达姆用他所特有的带有修辞色彩的风格劝告人们不要相信那些造谣的人。这些人指责被驱逐的萨达姆及他的追随者制造了纳杰夫爆炸案。Using Saddam's well-known rhetorical style, the voice urged the Iraqi people not to believe those who blamed the ousted dictator and his followers for Friday's attack on the Imam Ali Shrine in Najaf.