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灯塔位于正东方某处。The lighthouse bears due east.

灯塔在远处闪烁。A lighthouse was flashing afar.

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灯塔在船的正横方向。The lighthouse abeam of the ship.

灯塔的光柱是在这里。The beams from the lighthouse are here.

我能看见你,灯塔,如此的幸福So elated for me to see you, my lighthouse

圣若瑟灯塔后暴风雪。St. Joseph lighthouse after a winter storm.

灯塔在大雾中看不见。The lighthouse is invisible in the heavy fog.

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我们能看到远处灯塔忽隐忽现的闪光。We can see the gleam of a distant lighthouse.

灯塔上的灯突然灭了。The light on the lighthouse suddenly went out.

灯塔一分钟发两次闪光信号。The lighthouse flashes signal twice a minute.

岸上的船儿如同海上的灯塔,无法移动。A ship on the beach is a lighthouse to the sea.

第三句是讲海中的灯标的,词义应当是“灯塔”。The lighthouse is an important mark for pilots.

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那座小灯塔闪耀出灯光。The light flashed out from the little lighthouse.

要安装的灯塔有八米高。The lighthouse to be install be eight metres high.

孤独的灯塔在巴塔哥尼亚沿岸站岗。Alone lighthouse stands guard on the Patagonia coast.

数以千计的飞蛾扑向灯塔的窗子。Hundreds of moths flew against the lighthouse windows.

将竖立的塑料灯塔有八米高。The plastic lighthouse to be install be eight metre high.

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心灵深处的灯塔,只有纯洁无暇的爱情才配点亮。The lighthouse in the heart, only pure and pure love is lit.

要安装的灯塔有八米高。The lighthouse that will be installed has eight meters high.

将竖立的塑料灯塔有八米高。The plastic lighthouse to be installed is eight meters high.