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我听了很多关于食物短缺的闲话。Now I've heard a lot of scuttlebutt about a food shortage.

办公室里有谣言说汤姆要被炒鱿鱼了。The scuttlebutt in the office is that Tom is going to be fired.

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办公室里有谣言说汤姆要被炒鱿鱼了。NO06,1. The scuttlebutt in the office is that Tom is going to be fired.

你相信关于海伦和她老板有恋情的谣言?。Do you believe that scuttlebutt about Helen having an affair with her boss?

退休后,鲍勃正式停止了工作去造访他的伙伴们并跟上他们谈论的闲话。After he retired, Bob regularly stopped by his old office to visit his buddies and catch up on the latest scuttlebutt.

有传闻说,接替的这名助手将在2010年离任来为拜登先生在伊拉克服役的儿子进入参议员铺平道路。The scuttlebutt is that the aide will step aside in 2010 to make way for an election bid by Mr Biden's son, currently serving in Iraq.

传闻部队在新年前要开赴南太平洋,而且刚刚听说又有一位朋友在欧洲阵亡。Scuttlebutt had it we'd be pulling out before the New Year for the South Pacific. I'd just received word that another friend had been killed in Europe.

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现在的流言是华纳试图从这个早年在陆地上建立起的独立资本集团花旗手中买下EMI。The scuttlebutt now is that Warner will try to buy EMI from Citigroup, which seized it earlier this year from Terra Firma, another private-equity firm.

虽然没有下达正式的通知,可关于卡巴拉儿童和集中营的谣言,在各级船员之间,早已不胫而走。Scuttlebutt about the Karbarran children and the concentration camp had filtered its way through all ranks in no time, though nobody had made any official announcements.

在苹果着手研制平板设备而卖得火热之前,似乎没有一家主要的个人电脑生产商觉得用户会需要功能有限、只有触摸屏的电脑设备。Before scuttlebutt that Apple was working on a tablet started to heat up, no major PC manufacturer seemed to think that consumers wanted a general-purpose, touchscreen-only computing device.