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目前灾区范围仅限于震央周围的地区。The damages are limited to the area around the hypocenter.

在震源和原子弹圆顶可见顶部中心。The hypocenter and Atom Bomb Dome are visible at top center.

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据我国地震台网的初始破裂点的是所谓的重点或震源。An earthquake's point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter.

本文描述了空间域中的一种定位方法。In this paper, a hypocenter location method in the space domain is described.

对于同样大小的地震,由于震源深度不一样,对地面造成的破坏程度也不一样。An earthquake's point of initial ground rupture is called its focus or hypocenter.

震中地震的位置,直接以上的震源在地球表面。The epicenter of an earthquake is the location directly above the hypocenter on the surface of the earth.

汶川地震的主震发生在具有右旋性质的仰冲型断层带上,震源深度为15公里左右。The main shock occurred on the dextral obduction-type fault zone and the hypocenter depth was about 15km.

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④这次地震的破裂模式接近圆盘破裂,其中心位于震源处。The rupture plane of this earthquake appears to be a circular plane with the hypocenter locating at the center.

震源深度均值大体上也有随震级增大而增大的趋势。There is also a tendency that the absolute value of mean hypocenter depth increases with magnitude by and large.

将这些结果当做台站校正值用于地震定位,定位精度得到明显提高。By use of thesedeviation values as station corrections, the precision of hypocenter location is raised obviously.

本文提出了分析区域地震台网地震定位能力的一种通用方法。A general procedure has been developed for analyzing the hypocenter location capability of a regional seismic network.

提出了利用密集的震源区精确地震定位结果获得该区地震分布三维图像的方法,可以反映震源区活动构造的三维形态。Another method is proposed to get a 3-D earthquake distribution image using dense and high precise hypocenter position data.

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不同波至间的时间间隔取决于从震中到观测站之间的距离。The time intervals between different arrivals depends on the distance from the earthquake hypocenter to the observing station.

当地震发生,它会从震源产生一个速度为数公里每秒的扩散的波。When an earthquake occurs, it generates an expanding wavefront from the earthquake hypocenter at a speed of several kilometers per second.

这种模型和方法同样可用于利用近震资料同时反演介质结构与震源参数。This method can also be used to inverse simultaneously the structure of crust and the hypocenter parameters by using data from local earthquakes.

这种断层带上的侧向速度急剧变化还有其它表征,诸如震中定位的偏移、地震节平面的变形等等。Other evidence for severe lateral velocity change across the fault zone lies in hypocenter bias and nodal plane distortion for earthquakes on the fault.

有一种意见认为广岛和边远山区,从1945年秋季,来自从废墟红十字建设,不到一英里的震源。A view of Hiroshima and outlying hills, seen in the autumn of 1945, from from the ruins of the Red Cross building, less than one mile from the hypocenter.

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采用遥感图像解译、天然地震震源分析等手段,对邯郸-峰峰矿区的新生代构造特征进行了深入研究。The methods of remote sensing image interpretation and earthquake hypocenter analysis were adopted to study the neotectonic characters of Handan-Fengfeng mining area.

震后的地壳垂直运动恰好相反,明显地反映了弹性回跳特征,震源也刚好位于四象限交叉点附近。The vertical crustal movement after the quake is just on the contrary. This shows the characteristics of elastic rebound and the hypocenter is just near the quadrantal intersection.

地球内部岩层破裂引起振动的地方称为震源,其在地表的投影称为震中。The place vibrated by the breakage of the earth's interior rock layer is called hypocenter or earthquake focus, whose projection point on the surface of the earth is named epicenter.