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此产品只适合患有丙酸或甲基丙二酸血症的婴幼儿使用。Give only to infants and toddlers with proven propionic or methylmalonic acidemia.

COPD患者睡眠时显著的低氧血症和高碳酸血症发生于快动眼睡眠期。The patients with COPD often exhibit hypoxia and hyper-carbonic acidemia during rapid eye movement phase.

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强调观察患者有无严重的高碳酸血症及颈胸前部皮肤出血的重要性。The author puts stress on the observation of carbonic acidemia and hemorrhage in anterior skin of neck and chest.

此产品可以提供营养给患有丙酸或甲基丙二酸血症的婴幼儿食用。Nutrition support of infants and toddlers with propionic or methylmalonic acidemia. Do not boil mixture or use terminal sterilization.

能降低血尿酸,作用与别嘌呤醇相似,且对肝肾功能无损害。The gout grain reduce the acidemia of the urine effectively, which better than AUopurinol , and can' t damage the function of kidney & liver.

高胆酸血症主要为门体分流术后肝肠循环阻断和肝功能恶化所致。Hypercholic acidemia is caused bY the interruption of enterohepatic circulation and deterioration of hepatic function after portasystemic shunt.

结论晚期减速可能是纯代谢性酸血症的一个表现,而异常可变减速可能是混合性酸血症的一个表现。Conclusions Late deceleration may be an indicator of pure metabolic acidemia and complicated variable deceleration be an indicator of mixed acidemia.

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甲基丙二酸血症是由于甲基丙二酰辅酶A变位酶或其辅酶腺苷钴胺素缺陷所致的一种遗传性代谢疾病。Methylmalonic acidemia is an inherited metabolic disorder, which is caused by deficiency of methylmalonyl-coenzyme A mutase or its cofactor adenosylcobalamin.

甲基丙二酸血症是由于甲基丙二醯辅酶A变位酶或其辅酶腺苷钴胺素缺陷所致的一种遗传性代谢疾病。Methylmalonic acidemia is an inherited metabolic disorder, which is caused by deficiency of methylmalonyl-coenzyme A mutase or its cofactor adenosylcobalamin.

在存有影响母儿血气因素时,发生脐动脉酸血症及低氧血症的病例显著增加。The incidence of umbilical cord acidemia and anoxemia increased significantly in the cases with the factors which could adversely affect maternal and fetal blood gas values.

目的研究缩宫素经离体人胎盘绒毛叶的转运及母血低蛋白血症和胎儿血酸血症对转运的影响。Objective To study the transfer of oxytocin across the single cotyledon of the term human placenta and the effects of maternal hypoproteinemia and fetal acidemia on the transfer.