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我们需要走行人穿越道。We need a crosswalk.

一定要使用行人穿越道。Always use the crosswalk.

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我穿过人行道。I cross at the crosswalk.

在人行横道上有一辆出租车。A taxi is on the crosswalk.

我认为他应该在人行横道处过马路。I think he should cross at the crosswalk.

我们应该在人行横道处过马路。We should go across a road at the crosswalk.

如公路上没有划线,在人行横道前停车。If there is no stop line, stop at the crosswalk.

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洗手间就在那儿,在人行横道边上。The restroom is just over there, beside the crosswalk.

我总是走到红绿灯处,使用行人穿越道。I always walk to the traffic light and use the crosswalk.

你是否可以将车倒后驶入路口或行人道。Are you permitted to back a motor vehicle into an intersection or crosswalk?

有多少次你站在十字路口差点被缺德的开车人轧死?How often have you been almost killed by a rude driver while standing at a crosswalk?

2011年10月7日,星期五,委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯,照片中几名哑剧演员正站在人行横道上比比划划打着手势。Mimes gesture as they stand in a crosswalk in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday Oct. 7, 2011.

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你在驾车时猛按喇叭,因为你在人行道行车时他们挡住了你的路。You horn hard when you are driving cause somebody block your way on pedestrian crosswalk.

黄灯就意味着如果你离斑马线还遥远那么你要在斑马线前停车。A yellow light DOES mean to stop when you are far back enough tostop the car before the crosswalk.

我的一个朋友,他当时在车里等红灯时,死盯着一个辣妹走过人行道。A buddy of mine was in his car, stopped at a stoplight, staring at a hot woman walking through the crosswalk.

您可以策划路灯或行人穿越道的设置计画,创造一个安全行路空间的环境。Consider starting a campaign to get a streetlight or crosswalk installed and make your community pedestrian-friendly.

我们意识不到在人行横道上我们在拿生命做赌注,因为我们反复回想着刚刚参加的会议。We don't realize we're betting out lives in the crosswalk because we're mentally rehashing the meeting we just came from.

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乌鸦从天而降,把一个坚果丢在马路上,然后飞走,等待汽车开过crow swoops down, dropping a nut onto a crosswalk in oncoming traffic, and dodges cars waiting for one to run over the nut

在1992年,布洛迪在一场机车意外中严重受伤,后来花费数个月才完全复原。In 1992, Brody was seriously hurt in a motorcycle accident in which he flew over a car and crashed head-first into a crosswalk.

我国的城市交通规则规定,行人穿越马路必须走人行横道。The urban traffic regulation of our country sets, the pedestrian passes through the driveway must walk along pedestrian crosswalk.