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是谁发明的左轮手枪?Who invented the revolver?

是谁发明的左轮手枪?Q6 Who invented the revolver?

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匪徒用左轮手枪威吓他。The robber menaced him with a revolver.

左轮手枪的五个弹膛都上了子弹。He dashed in with a revolver in his hand.

杰克把左轮手枪的全部子弹都射进玛丽的胸膛。Jack emptied his revolver into Mary's breast.

这支左轮手枪仅上了一颗子弹。The revolver was loaded with only one bullet.

难道左轮手枪不应该同样从他的胸口弹开吗?Shouldn’t the revolver bounce off his chest too?

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他掷掉剑,捡起一把手枪。He dashed down his sword and picked up a revolver.

他的左轮手枪枪柄上有四个凹槽。There were four notches in the handle of his revolver.

市场已经把左轮手枪指向他们的头部,他说。The markets have put a revolver to their head, he says.

一听到“文化”,我马上伸手拔枪。When I hear the word 'Culture' I reach for my revolver.

他从衣兜里取出了左轮手枪,我也这么干了。He took his revolver from his pocket, and I did the same.

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那个用左轮枪留着史诗般胡子的陆战队员是谁?Who is the Marine with the revolver and the epic mustache?

请戴好安全帽,避免头发缠人转轮。Please wear helmet to prevent you hairround the revolver. ?

莱蒙把枪给我,太阳光在枪上一闪。The sun glinted on Raymond's revolver as he handed it to me.

请戴好安全帽,避免头发缠人转轮。Please wear helmet to prevent you hairround the revolver. Eg.

请戴好安全帽,避免头发缠人转轮。Please wear helmet to prevent you hairround the revolver. kck?

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黑色笔记本系列,有手榴弹,刀具和左轮手枪样式3D装帧。Black notebook series with grenade, knife, and revolver 3D covers.

阿比的左轮手枪留在现场使罪案牵连到她。Abby's revolver is left at the scene to implicate her in the crime.

转轮手枪分单动式和双动式两种。The revolver divides the single acting and the double-acting two kinds.