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把骑马的金童大胆扯拉。Courageously to pluck him from his horse.

敲响战鼓,奋勇向前。Strike up the drum and march courageously.

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梅斯顿勇敢地用他那可怕的铁钩子威胁它们。Maston courageously menaced them with his steel hook.

⊙、全世界无产者为什么不会团结起来,奋然而起?Proletarians why not of the world unite, courageously however up?

但对香港电影业适应力持积极乐观态度者也不乏其人。But others are courageously optimistic about its ability to adapt.

到目前为止,各国政府都勇敢的阻击金融灾难。So far, governments have courageously fended off financial catastrophe.

他勇敢而毅然决然地处置了他们对他的权威的挑战。He courageously and decisively confronted their challenge to his authority.

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假如你想有勇气,只要在需要勇气的时候勇敢地行动就可以了。If you want to develop courage, then simply act courageously when it’s called for.

几年来,我们励精图治,奋勇拼搏,开拓出一片崭新的天地。In recent years we make every effort courageously fighting and open up a new world.

淞沪大战前夕,上海各界团结起来奋勇抗日。Eve of Song Shanghai big fight, shanghai all circles unites to fight day courageously.

关键要记住不要屈服于权威,要勇于保持自己的观点。The main thing is not to give way to a famous authority but courageously defend your opinion.

坚定不移地沿着中国特色社会主义道路奋勇前进!Advance unswervingly and courageously along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics!

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我们的爱情里,没有太多的流言蜚语,缺的就是勇往直前的勇气。Our love, do not have too much tattle and prate, lacks is courage to march forward courageously.

比赛中体现出全体员工齐心协力、不屈不挠、奋勇争先的精神。Competition reflects the concerted efforts of all staff, perseverance, courageously first spirit.

龙金书副军长率两个团掩护四十三军主力奋勇前进。Deputy army commander of dragon gold book leads two groups covering 43 army brunt advances courageously.

置个人安危于不顾,米勒上士继续勇敢地向游击队射击,故意把敌人的火力从他的战友身上引向自己。Miller continued to engage the enemy courageously drawing fire away from his team and onto his position.

情报部门男男女女在最危险的前线工作,他们的名字和行为不会被公开。The men and women of our intelligence community serve courageously on the front lines of a dangerous world.

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直到今天,我们仍把那勇敢地劝诫或警告大众的人称为「旷野之声」。Even today, we say of someone who courageously admonishes or warns people that he is a voice in the wilderness.

八路军、新四军浴血奋战,抗击着日本帝国主义的野蛮进攻。The 8th Route and the New-4th-armies battle courageously against the savage onslaughts of the Japanese invaders.

彭孙招安后屡立战功,在所其经历的战争中表现勇猛,逐步由一名普通武官升至路级钤辖。He behaved courageously in the latter battles, and promoted from a plain military officer to road-level jurisdiction.