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老楚很疑惑。wondered Old Chu.

苏楚侨终于清醒过了。Su Chu qiao finally awake.

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陈良,楚产也。Chen Liang was a native of Chu.

从前,有个60多岁的楚姓老人。There was an old man named Chu.

出来混,始终要还的。Chu Laihun always have to repay.

项氏世代为楚将。For a generation of chu"s will."

朱太太给了一张藏宝图朱先生看。Mrs Chu showed Mr Chu a treasure map.

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“找我干嘛?”楚仲吓了一跳。"Seek me why?"Chu Zhong got a fright.

请父亲不要与朱尔旦为仇。Please don't hold anything against Chu.

女人实在无需楚楚可怜。Women don't need to really chu chu poor.

那么,朱丽倩是他的女朋友,未婚妻还是妻子?So, is Chu his girlfriend, fiance or wife?

终于,楚国被秦国灭掉了。Finally, chu destroyed by the state of qin.

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但是初和耿证明了这也许无所谓。But Chu and Geng show why it may not matter.

但是在楚文化里,生命是可以喷薄的。But in the Chu culture, life can be gushing.

台湾小胖林育群看上去就像个胖胖圆圆的泰迪熊。Lin Chu Yung looks like a chubby teddy bear.

楚国的危亡和百姓的痛苦,屈原痛不欲生。Chu people of peril and suffering, pain Yuan.

楚“神树”在楚墓中屡出不鲜。Magic trees are widely found among Chu tombs.

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莒无大夫,其曰莒挐何也?No doctor Chu, Chu said, holding his He also?

为什么他的军队里面楚人这么多呢?Why are there so many Chu people in his army?

当时只有楚国和齐国能与之抗衡。Chu and Qi were only able to compete with them.