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是的,我有一点点的神经质。Yes, I’m a little neurotic.

不要和神经质的人结婚。Marry someone who's not neurotic.

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因为她太神经质了,所以他要跟她离婚。He wants to divorce her because she is so neurotic.

过多的摄入糖分会导致神经病症。Excess intake of sugar results in neurotic symptoms.

神经病知道二加二等于四—但他讨厌这样。A neurotic knows two and two are four -- but he hates it.

她为省电把家里的灯都关了,真是神经病。She's neurotic about switching lights off at home to save eletricity.

这种自我厌恶的后果和自我讨厌的后果同样很可怕。These neurotic payoffs are strikingly similar to the rewards for self-hate.

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那种行动是徒劳的,因为它只是神经症的头脑的占领。And the action is futile, because it is simply the occupation of a neurotic mind.

然而,在这一层假象之外,他们还抱有一丝神经质的自我怀疑。But there is also a strand of neurotic self-doubt, which can be equally overdone.

对于老年人,年轻时代的正常目标,变成了一种神经官能症的障碍。What was a normal goal for the young man becomes a neurotic hindrance to the old.

对年纪渐增的神经质般的忧虑,可能正是导致过早衰老的原因。The neurotic fear of the effects of time may well be the cause of premature aging.

我感觉仿佛自己坠入了克劳德雷路许的一部电影中了-一个男人和一个有点神经质的女人。I felt like I had landed in a Claude Lelouch film-a man and a slightly neurotic woman.

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判断什么时候转变成神经质的嫉妒可并不容易",Hupka博士说。"It is not easy to determine when it changes into neurotic jealousy, " says Dr. Hupka.

已知过多的糖会造成幽闭恐怖症、失忆和其他神经疾病。Excess sugar is known to cause claustrophobia, memory loss and other neurotic disorders.

众所周知,过量的糖会引起幽闭恐怖症、记忆丧失和其他的神经紊乱。Excess sugar is known to cause claustrophobia , memory loss and other neurotic disorders.

你的异性恋意识是否可能源于对同性别者的神经质的恐惧?。Is it possible your heterosexuality stems from a neurotic fear of others of the same sex?

我们希望你别支支吾吾了,停止你神经质的自我折磨吧,加入我们的聚会。We want you to drop your trip, come out of your neurotic self-involvement, join the party.

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“因此高度神经质的个体对损失的反应反而会小于被提升时”。A highly neurotic individual would respond less intensely to losing the promotion, Hirsh said.

你的异性恋倾向有没有可能是因为极度惧怕同性而造成的?。It is possible that your heterosexuality stems from a neurotic fear of people of the same sex?

你不想要带回家疾病承运人或神经质拔羽,如果在所有可能的!You don't want to bring home a disease carrier or a neurotic feather plucker if at all possible.