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别担心生殖器疱疹或者艾滋病病毒。Don't worry about genital herpes or HIV.

生殖器疱疹让人又恼尴尬。Having genital herpes is annoying and embarrassing.

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男性生殖器歪斜是怎么回事啊?Is male genital how to return a responsibility askew ?

生殖器滴虫病是一种常见的疾病。Genital trichomonad disease is a kind of common disease.

应该指出的是,生殖器疣的迹象似乎没有可能。It should be noted that genital wart signs might not seem.

几乎所有这类雄性老鼠生殖器官都有缺陷。Almost all the male mice in this group had genital defects.

我的生殖器疱疹会复发吗?Q8. Will I have reoccurring outbreaks of my genital herpes?

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披衣菌于生殖道引起的初期发炎反应,并不明显。In the genital tract, the early inflammation is not obvious.

在进入性器期之前,性欲一直是被压抑着的。And then, sex is repressed until you get to the genital stage.

女性生殖器切割被分为四个主要种类Female genital mutilation is classified into four major types.

如果你怀疑自己得了生殖器尖锐湿疣,那就赶快去看医生吧。See a doctor right away if you suspect you have genital warts.

生殖系统包括交媾器和生殖器本部。The reproductive system consists of mating and genital organs.

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相对HSV-2型生殖器疱疹,HSV-1型生殖器疱疹复发的现象要少得多得多。HSV-1 genital infection recurs much less frequently than HSV-2.

另外的调查显示,出生时生殖器畸形的男婴数目有所增加。Others have shown a rise in boys born with genital deformities.

我是孕妇,并且我患有生殖器疱疹,我应该怎样做?Q17. I'm pregnant, and I have genital herpes. What should I do?

就算生殖器只是紧密接触,也足以使尖锐湿疣传播。Even just close genital contact is enough to spread the condition.

前面提过,女性的生殖道若感染了披衣菌,将有长远的后果。Recall that females bear the lasting effects of genital infection.

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未见钩虫生殖细胞超微结构明显变化。No apparent alterations were observed in genital cells of hookworm.

属于、关于生殖器官和泌尿器官或者他们的功能。Of or related to the genital and urinary organs or their functions.

你知不知道是什么,寻找一种有效的生殖器疣的待遇?Do you know what to look for in an effective genital wart treatment ?