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美国最负盛名的几家投资银行破产。The implosion of America's most storied investment banks.

所用的参数是您所期望的内爆效果量。The argument is the amount of implosion effect you desire.

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在二十年中,可能会发生法式风格的向内腐烂溃败。In a couple of decades there could be a French-style implosion.

如果不谨慎,就会使各种受压抑已久的摩擦爆发。If not prudent, he could trigger an implosion of all pent-up conflicts.

对于英格兰足球发生壮观内爆的预言并不新奇。Predictions of the spectacular implosion of English soccer are not new.

然后一个破裂声从飞碟中传来,跟着就慢慢的坠毁了。Then all of a sudden there was an implosion from the saucer and it slowly crashed down.

我认为我们面临的最大威胁,首先是中东问题。But I see our biggest threats are the implosion of the whole Middle East, to start with.

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金融市场的崩溃,似乎标志着第二个“镀金朝代”.已是日薄西山。The implosion of the financial markets seems to mark the twilight of the secondgilded age.

如水下物体迅速移动造成的空穴现象,或引起气泡和向心聚爆,这个问题广泛存在却难以解决。One problem plaguing fast-moving underwater objects is cavitation, or the formation and implosion of bubbles.

这些射线暴通常预示老龄化的恒星的内爆,这些内爆会产生单股快速的能量爆发。These bursts usually indicate the implosion of an aging star, which produces a single, quick blast of energy.

这次和谈如果顷刻瓦解,这对奥巴马将是一个很大的打击,因此他必然会向谈判两方同时施压,强迫双方留在谈判桌上继续谈判。A swift implosion would be a major blow and he is expected to put huge pressure on both sides to stay at the table.

许多不确定的因素给该地区的未来蒙上了阴影,包括邻国朝鲜可能发生的内部瓦解。The prospect of an implosion in neighboring North Korea is just one of many uncertainties clouding the region’s future.

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但他能先占混乱的信用瓦解,信心和花费将会警醒全球。But it could preempt a chaotic implosion of credit, confidence and spending that would threaten the wider world economy.

尽管汉尼拔从未攻占罗马,但罗马政府的内部崩溃不可逆转地破坏了货币体系。Even though Hannibal never did take Rome the threat of the implosion of the Roman state irrevocably undermined the money.

本文给出了一组动力箍缩方程,它描述了场反向位形中等离子体的动力箍缩和加热。In this paper, a set of dynamical equations is derived for the implosion and heating of plasma in a field-reversed pinch.

辐射驱动内爆的不对称性可以利用辐射温度源的时间调制得到明显的改善。The radiation-driven implosion asymmetry can be obviously improved using time-modulation of radiation temperature source.

地心地球一直以来都是稳定的,除了近期鲸鱼爆炸事件在一段时间内造成了地心极光碎裂及巨大浩劫以外。The inner earth has been stable except for the recent whale implosion which cracked the aurora and reeked havoc for a time.

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我们将以其人之道还治其人之身,但印度政府的战略思想是等待中国内部陷入困境。We will eventually give back the Chinese, but it seems the GOI's strategic thought is to wait till an implosion grips China.

在柏林墙倒塌后他们的解体证明了这样的“服用兴奋剂”的福利国家最终走进了历史的死胡同。Their implosion after the fall of the Berlin Wall confirmed that such welfare states on steroids were an historical dead end.

用实验及数值模拟方法研究了电磁内爆套简的屈曲响应规律。The dynamic buckling of the implosion liners driven by magnetic pressure has been investigated experimentally and numerically.