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灯泡该换新的了。A light-BulB socket.

需要八进制插座。Requires octal socket.

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是两脚插头的插座吗?Is it a two-pin socket?

创建一个多播套接字。Create a multicast socket.

单声道线路输出,唱机插座。Mono Line-out, phono socket.

发布插座属性。Publish the socket attributes.

榫眼而连接在一起。To fit into a socket or mortise.

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他把每根基座上都按上了灯芯盘。He set a socket in each pedestal.

这个绳套不可靠。This rope socket is not reliable.

安装灯泡和插座于灯外壳上。I screwed the bulb into the socket.

后方唱机插座输入唱机。Rear phono socket inputs for Phono.

要使用安全可靠的绳套。Use safety and reliable rope socket.

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清洁管子末端棱角和插口。Clean chamfered end of pipe and socket.

发送一个发布插座的事件。Send and event for the published socket.

数据未被拷贝到套接字缓冲区。No data is copied into the socket buffer.

现在设想一下使用一个套筒扳手。Now consider being given a socket wrench.

槽头螺钉的俯视图。Top view of fluted socket head set screw.

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把这个接到插座上,要当心。Connect this to the socket but be careful.

他将灯泡拧进了灯头里。He screwed the light bulb into the socket.

返回该套接字地址的hash码。Returns a hashcode for this socket address.