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一种举国一致的文化。The condition of being unanimous.

帕克叙特说,这个决定是一致通过的。He adds the decision was unanimous.

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是你在江湖上的评语。That is their unanimous comment on me.

税收改革得到众口一词的称赞。The tax reform was met with unanimous applause.

这次表决结果通过,四人弃权。Then the vote is unanimous with four abstentions.

陪审团未能告竣定见一致的裁决。The jury was unable to reach a unanimous decision.

陪审团未能达成想法一致的裁决。The jury were uncapable to get a unanimous decision.

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结果她以全票当选。It turned out that she was elected by a unanimous vote.

董事会无异议通过聘请狄恩女士担任执行长。The board's vote to hire Ms. Dean as CEO was unanimous.

本届车展受到参观者交口称赞。This year's auto exhibition received unanimous acclaim.

陪审团主席,陪审团已经做出一致裁定了吗?Madam Foreperson, The jury has reached a unanimous verdict?

委员会全体一致通过了这个提议。The committee accepted the proposal with unanimous approval.

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一个团队成员没有异议的定义明确的过程。A well-defined process with unanimous buy-in from team members.

首席法官伦奎斯特发表一致意见。Rehnquist, C. J. , delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court.

委员会召开秘密会议并一致通过解雇他。The committee had an underground meeting and was unanimous to fire him.

尽管如此,巴托夫兄弟俩对俄产汽车有个一致的看法。The Butov brothers, however, have a unanimous view of Russian-made cars.

评论家们几乎一致贬抑这本书。Reviewers have been almost unanimous in their disparagement of this book.

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最高法院于1905年一致作出有利于政府的裁决。The Supreme Court rendered a unanimous verdict for the government in 1905.

他们可以作为一致意见或主要意见的一部分同其他法官一起赞成。They may ote with other judges as part of a unanimous or majority opinion.

所友党派的政治家们都一致谴择他的行潍。Politicians from all parties completely unanimous in condemning his action.