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还有妈妈的教诲?Their mom?

读读他们的作品。Read their works.

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我要给他们当国王。I’ll be their king.

注意他们的嘴唇。Look at their lips.

这是他们的逻辑。That's their logic.

他们的包大。Their bags are big.

他们的船被淹没了。Their boat swamped.

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单反最大的优点?Their biggest draws?

我买他们的商品。I buy their products.

这是他们的决定。It is their decision.

他们的船被水雷炸毁了。Their ship was mined.

也是现在的重量。This is their weight.

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我是他们的后妈!I am their stepmother.

我看他们的牙齿。I look at their teeth.

研究他们的历史。Study their histories.

告诉他们的教练员。Talk to their coaches.

这正是她们的悲剧。That is their tragedy.

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这是他们的口号。That was their slogan.

他们意外获得的发现呢?Their bonus discovery?

他们目光呆滞。Their eyes glaze over.