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座防喷器到井口头。Land the BOP onto the well head.

村礼堂今晚有博普舞会。There's a bop on in the village hall tonight.

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打开防喷器闸板进行内部检查。Have BOP ram opened up for internal inspection.

你们考虑过把破损的剑柄改成拾取绑定吗?。Q. Have you considered making the Battered Hilt BoP?

你们考虑过把破损的剑柄改成拾取绑定吗?。Q. Have you considered msimilarg the Battered Hilt BoP?

他们会跳摇滚,会跳探戈,就是不会跳博普舞。They can rock and roll, they can tango, but they can't bop.

第二名员工两腿都被挤伤在封井器与法兰盘之间。A second man was trapped and crushed with both legs under the BOP.

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面对孤苦无依的妹妹,他想要补偿她一生的宠爱和幸福。Facing loneliness is sister, he wants to compensate the bop and happiness in her lifetime.

美国爵士乐萨克斯风管演奏家,改良咆哮乐和爵士摇滚运动的主要人物。American jazz saxophonist who was a leading figure in the hard bop and jazz rock movements.

一些印度公司已经开始为本土和金字塔底座层的消费者提供产品与服务。Indian companies have started offering products and services that appeal to the local and BOP tiers.

一种高压管,引导流体从防喷器组的一个出口到回压节流和相连的管汇处。A high-pressure pipe leading from an outlet on the BOP stack to the backpressure choke and associated manifold.

今天下午训练了4个小时,虽然很累,但是还是回家换了衣服,参加圣体学院MCR的万圣节派对。Although tired after 4 hours' training, I managed to come back home, get change and go to Corpus' MCR Halloween Bop.

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目前,防喷系统主要包括井口防喷器组合和钻柱内防喷工具。At present, blowout prevention system mainly includes wellhead BOP stack and blowout prevention tools in drill strings.

对防喷器法兰进行试压时,不答应用膨润土或堵漏材料填堵密封槽来制止滴漏。During tests for BOP flange leaks, do not plug off the ring gaskets with bentonite or lost circulation materials to stop leaks.

当采油树或防喷器组关闭时,施加在井口单位面积上的力称之为为关井压力。The surface force per unit area exerted at the top of a wellbore when it is closed at either the Christmas tree or the BOP stack.

因为国际收支平衡表趋于平衡,人民币汇率大幅升值的理论基础并不存在。With the BOP account moving closer to equilibrium, the basis for large-scale appreciation of the RMB exchange rate does not exist.

该接头也许是用螺纹与套管连接在一起,或焊接在一起,以及可能还有一个法兰或卡箍连接与防喷器组或井口配接。This adapter may be threaded or welded onto the casing, and may have a flanged or clamped connection to match the BOP stack or wellhead.

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目前,对防喷器等井控装置检测内部缺陷主要采用超声波、磁探、渗透等常规检测以及进行耐压试验,难以发现和判定已有裂纹的扩展。At the present, defects inside a BOP are mainly inspected by conventional methods, such as UT, MT, PT, etc. and it bears a pressure test.

在海洋使用浮动船作业时,节流和压井管线是从海底防喷器组直接排出的,之后通过外部的导管到达海平面。In floating offshore operations, the choke and kill lines exit the subsea BOP stack and run along the outside of the riser to the surface.

作业班每月应进行不少于一次不同工况的防喷演习,其关井操作程序见附录B和附录C。Each operating shift shall perform at least one BOP drill under different situations per month. Refer Annexes B and C for shut-in procedures.