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她口才很好。She's eloquent.

她那双动人的眼睛瞟向他。She turned her eloquent eyes upon him.

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眼神比言语更有说服力。The eyes are more eloquent than the words.

演说家今天恪外雄辩。The speaker is exceptionally eloquent today.

史蒂文森有口才、有风度,但很软弱。Stevenson was eloquent and elegant——but soft.

他的好口才为他赢得了选民的青睐。His eloquent speech has won him the favor of the.

那个睿智、懒散、关切、幽默、善辩的他。That wisdom, lazy, concerns, humor, eloquent of him.

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再要赌口齿,十个会说话的男人也说他不过。As for talking, ten eloquent men are no match for her.

但是,为了富于说服力,每一张脸必须当做全新的来观看。But in order to be eloquent every face must be seen anew.

他不仅领导有方,而且口才出众。He is not only a good leader, but also an eloquent speaker.

马歇尔先生有说服力的话让老板印象非常深刻。Mr. Marshall's eloquent words impressed his boss very much.

他口才很好,穿着得体的三件套西服。He's an eloquent man, smartly dressed in a three-piece suit.

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他的好口才为他赢得了选民的青睐。His eloquent speech has won him the favor of the electorate.

这位雄辩的律师在法庭上对证人的证言提出质疑。The eloquent lawyer impugned the witness's story in the court.

一个年轻人请苏格拉底教他演讲术。In order to show that he was an eloquent speaker, the young man

他颇有口才,讲题是“慈善”。He was tolerably eloquent. The subject of his sermon was charity.

对于词穷的我而言,这种美很难用言语来表达。I am not eloquent enough to decribe the beauty of this fairy place.

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正确。他口才好,且在演讲中常不假思索。Positively. He's eloquent and often speaks impromptu in the speech.

老布什总统在峰会开幕式上的发言简洁,但有说服力。President Bush opened the meeting with a brief but eloquent speech.

他雄辩的演说在每个人的心里引起了反应。His eloquent speech called out a response in the heart of every man.