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看看他多奇怪啊。Look how bizarre he is.

我发现这真是件很奇怪的态度。I find the whole thing bizarre.

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这文本真够奇怪的。This document is really bizarre.

但是我参与过当年那个讨论,老麦这样做实在怪异。But I was, and it’s just bizarre.

看他们穿着奇装异服,他皱起了眉头。He frowns at their bizarre attire.

它描述了古怪的法耶德家族。It describes the bizarre Fayed menage.

从表面上,这一点似乎很奇怪。On the face of it, this seems bizarre.

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事实上,这个结构是非常奇怪的。In fact, the structure is rather bizarre.

这建筑构造奇异。The building was of bizarre construction.

也许是脊柱后侧凸的变种病例?…Maybe some bizarre case of kyphoscoliosis.

地球工程计划可能听起来耸人听闻。Plans for geo-engineering can sound bizarre.

我知道这很怪,但我觉得那样像个吹牛的人。I know it's bizarre , but I feel like a charlatan.

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亚特兰大一家加油站,发生了咄咄怪事。And in Atlanta, a bizarre incident at a gas station.

幻觉内容离奇古怪,变化多端。The content of bizarre hallucinations and changeable.

巴罗岛使岛上所有的奇特居民能平安生活。Barrow Island makes all of its bizarre inhabitants safe.

劳在那儿像年轻人一样的生活经常是古怪的。Lowe’s life there as a young teenager was often bizarre.

同样的问题倘若放在数月前可能会让许多人摸不着头脑。A few months ago the question would have sounded bizarre.

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“这样的古怪骗局实在是前所未闻,”朱说。"It was the most bizarre hoax we've ever had, " Chu said.

但是,灶性奇异细胞核出现在10例肿瘤中。Foci of bizarre nuclei were, however, present in 10 cases.

然后它成为了一场怪异的公司辩论的主题。Then it became the subject of a bizarre corporate dispute.