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鞋子夹不夹脚,唯有穿者知晓。Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

这些材质能让穿戴者隐遁无踪。These materials would make the wearer invisible.

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只有那个穿鞋人,才知哪里鞋轧脚。None but the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

鞋子哪里挤脚,只有穿鞋的人知道。None but the wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

黑袍人端详着灰袍青年。The man in black studied the new wearer of the grey.

最直观的就是衣服的价格,价格不菲的衣服看上去很昂贵,也能显示出穿衣者的富有。Expensive clothes look expensive and show their wearer had money.

我明天会将自己跟穿着那惊吓内裤的那人的合照贴上来的!I'll send you a pic of me with the shocking underwear wearer 2mo!

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选择得当的话,牛仔裤可以传达穿着者自信摩登的特质。Chosen well, jeans can suggest the wearer is confident and modern.

面临这一题目,或许有些人会说,这会让烫头发的人显得更年青时尚。Some might say it makes the wearer feel like a trendy young thing.

传说彩色蓝宝石将保护穿著者的邪恶。Legend has it that Lapis Lazuli would protect the wearer from evil.

若先前的拥有者已死,佩戴者仍失去吸收的该异能。If the former owner is dead, the wearer loses the assimilated power.

我们用一个厚塑料密封壳将盔甲与穿戴者包裹起来。We surrounded the armor and wearer with a thick airtight plastic shell.

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不过我们希望这位戴帽子的女士不会在赛马场上飞起来……However we hope the wearer doesn't end up floating above the racecourse.

即使前失主已死亡,佩戴者还是会失去借来的知识能力。If the former owner is dead , the wearer still loses the borrowed power.

步行单位装备,视为重甲,如果携带者单个在战场,被射击时,对方命中-2。On foot only, Heavy Armor if wearer is on his own he at -2 to be shot at.

穿戴者能掌握皮带和保留重量腕子。The wearer can grasp the leather strap and keep weight off of the wrists.

这双靴子可根据穿著者的行走速度和动作而随时改变形状。These boots change shape depending on the speed and motion of the wearer.

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他让她的衣著以简单、高雅,而且完美闻名。He made her reputation as a wearer of simple , elegant , but perfect clothes.

如果你确实没穿内衣裤,你怎么会收到平底鞋呢?。How did you receive the wedgies when you are clearly not the wearer of underpants ?

而且作为十一月的生辰石,托帕石能够赐予佩戴者智慧、美丽和健康长寿。As the birthstone of November Topaz brings wisdom, beauty and longevity to its wearer.