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你的头摸起来发烧。Your head feels feverish.

给发高烧病人服用了奎宁。Feverish patients were dosed with quinine.

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我觉得发烧,而且晚上咳得很厉害。I feel feverish and cough a great deal at night.

我没有量体温,但我感觉有点发烧。I didn't take my temperature, but I felt feverish.

我咳嗽发热了,需要做猪流感检测吗?I am coughing and feverish. Should I be tested for swine flu?

还有什么是悲伤的?,当迪安在墨西哥离开发烧的萨尔时。What else is sad? It's sad when Dean leaves Sal feverish in Mexico.

它彻底的治愈了发烧的烦恼和人们的疯狂症。It thoroughly cures the feverish worries and madding minds of beings.

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山姆更冷酷,然而他狂热的追逐物质利益也创造了更多的工作机遇。Sam was more hardhearted, yet his feverish materialism created more jobs.

杰姆说,眼看自由就在眼前,他浑身发抖、发热。Jim said it made him all over trembly and feverish to be so close to freedom.

片刻的欢喜若狂接着是几个小时的急剧痛苦。A few moments of feverish enjoyment were followed by hours of acute suffering.

这笔借款最初激发了在房地产和股票上狂热的投机。The lending initially triggered feverish speculation in real estate and stocks.

刘的下台减少了人们以高铁建设的狂热。His removal ushered in a less feverish approach to high-speed rail construction.

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如果你的座位附近有人咳嗽、打喷嚏或看起来像是在发烧,最好换个座位。Change seats if you end up near a cougher, sneezer or someone who looks feverish.

倘若和平不应当仅仅是两次战争之间狂热的插曲,那么处罚措施是必不可少的。Penalization is essential if peace is to be more than a feverish interlude between wars.

他沉迷于自我完善,整日整夜地研究欧几里德和语法学。He engaged in feverish bouts of self-improvement, studying Euclid and grammar at all hours.

一些没有受过良好教育或培训的年经人仓促进入商界后,做事急躁而毫无成效。The young men who rush into business with no good education or drill will do poor and feverish work.

你应当对这种有发烧症状的感冒小心些,它常常在你以为好转的时候复发。You ought to be careful about this kind of feverish cold, it often kicks back when you think you are better.

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最惊奇的是,丹尼斯在一个发高烧的小男孩和小羊之间进行,男孩活过来了。To the consternation of all, Denis transfused a feverish young boy with the blood of a lamb. The boy survived.

好战的,Glaucon,将代表着,苏格拉底所谓的狂热之城,将荣誉、竞争与战争制度化的城市。The war-like Glaucon would preside over what Socrates calls a feverish city, honors, competitions and above all war.

双方,大规模杀伤武器的手段在被疯狂地急于完善,打的就是安全为由的幌子。On both sides, the means to mass destruction are perfected with feverish haste-behind the respective walls of secrecy.