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逃避自由最常见的方法是随波逐流,无时不地唯时尚是从。But the most occurring mechanism to escape freedom is, being everywhere in vogue, conformism.

军队的指挥架构在重因循守旧、轻建树功勋的路上越走越远。Increasingly, the military is creating a command structure that rewards conformism and ignores merit.

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伴随这种思维转变而在一些德国精英人士中出现的令人难堪的投机和盲从,也同样令人悲哀。The embarrassing opportunism and conformism of some German elites that accompanies this mental shift saddens, too.

中产阶级的目光短浅、自鸣得意和因循守旧是情景喜剧写手和小说家们创作灵感的重要来源。Its narrow-mindedness, complacency and conformism are the mother lode of material for sitcom writers and novelists.

他们目光短浅、自命不凡、因循守旧的形象,总是为喜剧作家和小说家们提供着无穷无尽的笑料。Its narrow-mindedness , complacency and conformism are the mother lode of material for sitcom writers and novelists.

而后者在过去的十年已经给这个国家带去如此之多的负面影响。Or will it simply be dissolved in the general conformism and cynicism which has been nurtured to such harmful effect over the past decade?

由于文化思想上的禁锢和束缚,画坛上因循模仿之风日盛,鲜有创新。As the restriction and bondage of culture and thought, Conformism was rampant day after day, and there was a shortage of creative thinking.

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人们都喜欢揶揄中产,中产的狭窄心胸,胸无大志,唯唯诺诺都是坐而论道的写手和小说家创作源泉。PEOPLE love to mock the middle class. Its narrow-mindedness, complacency and conformism are the mother lode of material for sitcom writers and novelists.

长久以来,王锋都对大陆程式般的舞蹈很是抵触,他觉得艺术必须服务于政治这一论调是不自然、虚假的。Wang has long rebelled against conformism in modern dance on the mainland, and the concept that art must serve politics, describing it as unnatural and false.

但不管它源于何地,由此而产生的盲目、沉闷的对权利机构的尊敬足以令其同其他的欧洲国家大相径庭。But wherever it came from, the conformism , and the stifling respect for authority that it produced, were the characteristics that most distinguished Sweden from most of the rest of Europe.