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公民社会如何为西九注入动力?How should civil society energize and revitalize WKCD?

这是使底特律学校复兴的项目的一部分。It's all part of a program to revitalize Detroit schools.

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他说,「我们一同携手来振兴美国吧!」"Join us, " he said. "Together we will revitalize America.

因为DSD,现在它可使音乐世界恢复生气。Because of DSD, it is now possible to revitalize the music world.

而所有这些,最终目的都是为了振兴中华民族。All of this, the ultimate goal is to revitalize the Chinese nation.

一颗心如若消逝,冰冻,或者干枯,它能够再生,熔化和萌芽吗?。If a heart dies away, freezes or dries, can it burgeon, melt or revitalize?

想要振兴中国足球,那么中国的学校也应该参与其中。Chinese schools should also be part of any attempt to revitalize soccer in China.

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明天,我们将一如既往,永随时代,载兴而行!Tomorrow , we will be as before , up to era forever, load and revitalize but walk!

轻柔去除死皮细胞,平衡配方激活焕新肌肤。Gently remove dead skin cells and revitalize and renew with this skin balancing formula.

北京振兴石板厂位于北京房山西南。Revitalize the slabstone factory and lie in the southwest of Fangshan of Beijing in Beijing.

您相信政府花大钱改造圆环及龙山寺等老商圈,可以带来商机吗?。Do you believe that expensive government fix-up projects can revitalize old business districts?

这些步骤与我们正在进行的重振我们本国经济的努力相关,并且也在此基础上发展。These steps are connected to and build upon the work we are doing to revitalize our own economy.

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我发觉香薰真的有效,从那之后我一直用它来恢复精力或放松休息。I discovered aroma therapy really is useful and I have used it ever since revitalize or to relax.

尿囊素,取自紫草科植物,因舒缓,支持和振兴肌肤而得名。Allantoin, from the comfrey plant is renowned for its ability to soothe, support and revitalize skin.

内含的植物油及维他命A,E成分,让肌肤保持健康,消除倦态。With plant oils rich in Vitamins A and E, essential for healthy skin to revitalize a tired complexion.

而进行果汁禁食是增加活力和让身体重获新生的最快的途径之一。But going on a juice fast can be one of the fastest ways to boost your energy and revitalize your body.

树叶和细枝具有更多的营养成分,若将它们留在森林,可使土壤恢复元气。Leaves and twigs have high concentration of nutrients that, if left In the forest, revitalize the soil.

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他们希望这样能为促进世界和平作贡献,为振兴中华作贡献。They hope they will thus contribute to the cause of the world peace and the effort to revitalize China.

此次论坛的主题是“重振增长”,各方将继续探讨重振经济的有效举措。With the theme of "Relaunching Growth", the forum will discuss effective measures to revitalize economy.

新总统可能将争取给同欧洲盟友的伙伴关系重新注入活力。The next president likely will be looking to revitalize partnerships with European allies, Flanagan said.