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回顾了三价铬镀铬的历史。The history of trivalent chromium electroplating was looked back.

三价铬电镀分为氯化物体系和硫酸盐体系。Trivalent chromium plating can be divided into chloride and sulfate systems.

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实现这一目的的一种方法是将三价阳离子加入水中。One means of accomplishing this end is to add trivalent cations to the water.

三价砷比五价砷较难脱除。Trivalent arsenic appears to be dearsenized less easily than pentavalent arsenic.

一种三价基,由丙三醇去掉三个羟基获得。A trivalent radical derived from glycerol by removing the three hydroxyl radicals.

三价铬及六价铬是食品中微量元素铬的两种主要存在价态。Trivalent chromium and hexavalent chromium are two main states of the chromium in foods.

镀锌为三价铬钝化及六价铬钝化工艺。Galvanized to trivalent chromium and hexavalent chromium passivation passivation process.

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介绍了三价铬镀铬的主要优点与缺点。The major advantages and disadvantages of trivalent chromium electroplating were introduced.

甲酸-羧酸A体系是一种低浓度的硫酸盐三价铬电镀工艺。Formate-A acid system was a sulfate trivalent chromium plating process with low concentration.

而二价的钙盐、镁盐、锌盐和三价的铝盐的成核效果不明显。But bivalent and trivalent metal salts of the phosphoric acid had little effect on properties of iPP.

总铈含量与四价铈之差为氢氧化铈中三价铈含量。The content deviation between total cerium and ceric is just the content of trivalent cerium in the sample.

三价动词是指在动词基本语义结构中能够携带三个强制性语义成分的动词。A trivalent verb should be a verb that can control three obligatory semantic elements in basic semantic structure.

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在埃及的研究中,科学家随机指定421名新生儿接种单价或三价疫苗。In the Egyptian study researchers randomly assigned 421 newborns to receive either the monovalent or trivalent vaccine.

本文新近研究了一种以甲酸盐-羧酸盐作为络合剂的三价铬电镀新工艺,并对该溶液和镀层进行了性能测试。A new trivalent chromium plating process using formate-carboxylic acid salt as complexing agents is studied in this paper.

在酸碱性土壤中,磷主要以植物难以吸收利用的难溶性二价或三价阳离子的形式存在。In acid and alkali soil, there are mainly indissoluble bivalent or trivalent phosphates, which cannot be utilized by plants.

这种新的单价疫苗针对脊髓灰质炎I型毒株,而现有的三价疫苗针对全部三种毒株。The new monovalent vaccine targets the type 1 strain of polio, while the existing trivalent vaccine targets all three strains.

研究不同浓度甘氨酸对电沉积铁铬合金过程的影响,分析了甘氨酸在电沉积过程中的作用。The operation conditions of electrodeposition of Fe Cr alloy from glycine trivalent chromium electrolyte have been investigated.

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三价疫苗的3型病毒的效力最低,对1型病毒的效力稍高,对2型病毒的效力非常好。The trivalent vaccine is least effective against type 3and, more effective against type1one and highly effective against type 2.

采用正交试验法对锌-铁合金镀层三价铬黑色钝化工艺进行优化,并研究了工艺参数对钝化膜外观和耐蚀性等影响。The bath compositions of trivalent chrome black passivation for zinc-iron alloy coating were optimized by orthogonal test method.

近年来,因其具有阳极无有害气体析出、不腐蚀设备等优点,所以硫酸盐体系三价铬电镀发展迅速。Sulfate trivalent chromium plating developed very quickly in recent years because of no chlorine emitting and no equipment corrosion.