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金希澈有酒窝的照片!Jinxi is limpid photograph having dimple!

土沃而流,水清而不迫。The soil is fertile and the water is limpid.

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在我老家前面有一条清澈的小河。There is limpid brooklet in front of my hometown.

汤色浅绿微黄,清澈明亮。Soup color light green micro yellow, limpid bright.

到处是你清澈的影子,摇曳在我的心里。Everywhere is your limpid shadow, drags in my heart.

色泽是清澈的,暗紫红色。Limpid and garnet-coloured, darkened by purple tints.

如果这仅仅是一种痛苦,它将熔化为清澈的泪水。If it were merely a pain, it would melt in limpid tears.

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溪水因枯涸见石更清洌了。Because the mountain stream was more limpid on the stone.

所以,面对镜头,他们的眼神是那样的纯净、清澈。So, the expression of their eyes are very pure and limpid.

一般的旅行家也都不大望到过这样清澈的一口井。The traveller does not often look into such a limpid well.

透清的天,有白云底变步。And the white clouds transforming itself, on the limpid sky.

例如,你还记得在苏州河清澈?For instance, do you still remember the limpid in Suzhou Creek?

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这里山清水秀,景色优美。Forest-clad mountains and limpid streams complete the scene here.

踏过枯黄的草地。清澈的溪流是你的眼眸。Stepping over the yellow grass. Limpid streams are the eyes of you.

夏日的阳光下,小溪清清,流水淙淙。The wasters of a brook are limpid and laughing in the summer's sun.

但是门前却有一片清碧的荷塘。There was, however, a lotus pond of limpid blue in front of my door.

所以我大多数都是在家乡清澈的河水里玩耍。Therefore I majority all am play in the hometown limpid river water.

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可我在这双眼睛里看到了清澈,就象没有被污染过的水。But I can see something limpid in them , like water with no pollution.

但在这本平静如水的自传中,这样不和谐的小插曲只不过是稍显浑浊的浅滩罢了。But such episodes are just turbid pools in the limpid stream of memoir.

我渴望心中的自由世界是清澈而又高远。I wish eagerly the freedom world in the heart is limpid and farsighted.