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不酸蚀光固化玻璃离子修复。Group C, no-etching, light-curing glass ionomer.

观察玻璃离子水门汀和氢氧化钙联合修复髓室底穿孔的临床疗效。Its effective to repair perforation of pulp floor with glass ionomer cement.

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两组用铒激光备洞,分别用复合体和ESPE玻璃离子充填。Group A, C and group B, D were restored with Compomer and ESPE glass ionomer respectively.

随离聚体中磺酸基含量的增加,乙胺离聚体的拉伸强度增大。Tensile strength of the ethylamine ionomer increased with the sulfonate content increasing.

比较树脂型和高粉液比玻璃离子封闭剂窝沟封闭对第一恒磨牙的防龋效果。Objective- To compare the caries prevention effect of resin and glass ionomer cement sealant.

随离聚体中磺酸基含量的增加,锂离聚体的熔融黏度和拉伸强度增大。The melt viscosity and tensile strength of lithium ionomer increased with the sulfonate content increasing.

结果表明,光固化树脂修复楔状缺损明显优于玻璃离子水门汀。Results showed that light curing composite resin was better than glass ionomer in wedge-shaped ditch restoration.

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结果表明,少量磺酸盐离子的引入有利于材料强度的提高。The results show that the introduction of sulfonate ion benefits the tensile strength increasing of PSSS ionomer.

目的探讨光固化玻璃离子水门汀修复髓室底穿孔的临床效果。Objective To investigate clinical effect of repairing perforations of pulp floor with light-cured glass ionomer cement.

目的比较玻璃离子和氟化钠修复预防根面龋的效果。Objective To investigate the clinical effects of glass ionomer and fluoride varnishes in the treatment of root surface caries in senile patients.

综述了离聚体在共混体系中作为增容剂的增容机理及其对共混物性能的影响。The mechanism of compatibilization using ionomer in blends and the effect of ionomer on the properties of blends were reviewed with 33 references.

近年来,研究者又在传统玻璃离子的基础上通过加入新成分相继开发出新型改性型玻璃离子水门汀。In recent years, with the development of the GIC, researchers developed some new typical glass ionomer cement by adding some composition in traditional GIC.

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本文在简述玻璃离子水门汀发展历史的基础上,综述近年来改性玻璃离子水门汀的研究进展及发展前景。In this paper, the history of glass ionomer cement is introduced and the researching development and perspective of modified glass ionomer cement is elaborated.

所述组合物包括离聚物和降低静电荷聚集量的钾离子,其中所述离聚物被钠、锌或镁离子中和。The composition comprises an ionomer and a reducing static charge-buildup amount of potassium ion wherein the ionomer is neutralized with sodium, zinc, or magnesium ions.

通过沉淀法和直接法制备羧酸稀土配合物,与丙烯酸等单体共聚反应制备不同稀土含量的稀土有机高分子离聚物。Synthesises rare earth complex monomer was conducted by sedimentation and direct method. The rare earth organic ionomer was synthesized by copolymerization of acrylic acid monomer.

内屏障技术是为了防止修补材料进入牙周组织,用生物相容性好且能承受一定压力的材料,置于银汞合金或玻璃离子等修补材料之下以防止超填。Internal matrix technology is to prevent the filling materials into the periodontal space, put biocompatible material under filling material such as amalgam or galss ionomer cement.

方法应用光固化玻璃离子水门汀修复髓室底穿孔,然后按常规进行牙髓病治疗,共38例38颗患牙。Methods 38 perforations of pulp floor in maxillary molars were repaired with light-cured glass ionomer cement, and repaired teeth were treated for endodontics according to traditional method.