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但是实际上你是可以预先准备的。But you can prep.

而且我参加了备考的培训班。and I did study like a prep class.

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那么这一次的准备工作是如何完成的?How was the prep work done this time?

切肉机,准备台最重要的机器。Meat slicer, KING of the prep counter!

为下一位健身者使用器械做好准备。Prep the equipment for the next person.

我们正在大规模地准备战争。We are prep aring for war on a large scale.

所以她就和我准备了一个小时的面试,so she did an hour of interview prep with me

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并不难,只需要一些预先报备。It’s not hard, it just takes some advanced prep.

同时准备一些流质食物,便当和鸡汤。Prep the pantry with liquids, tea and chicken soup.

安妮努力帮助彼得和扎拉完成他们的家庭作业。Anne struggled to help Peter and Zara with their prep.

介词在词典中略作。Preposition is abbreviated as prep. in this dictionary.

如果你去私立学校,我想对于一个预科学校,If you go into a private school, I guess for a prep school,

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他们会在四岁到十三岁上预科学校,they would go to a prep school often from they are 4 to 13.

这些分子在准备室会以临界物质的形式存在?Arethe molecules in the prep chamber still at critical mass?

我打算从我离开潘西中学那天讲起。Where I want to start telling is the day I left Pencey Prep.

潘西这学校在宾夕法尼亚州埃杰斯镇。Pencey Prep is this school that's in Agerstown, Pennsylvania.

美股大幅下跌的报道以及专家推荐下周投资组合。U. S. stocks tumbled broadly. Prep Your Portfolio For Next Week.

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我报读了大学预科班,希望将来成为一名护士。I took college prep classes in the hopes of someday being a nurse.

对于女孩,她们在四岁和十一岁之间去预科学校。And for girls, they go to a prep school between the age of 4 and 11.

Tweener站在他牢房的门旁,完全没有做越狱的准备工作。Tweener stands at his cell door, doing nothing to prep for the escape.