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你的孩子成长如此快让你都感到惊讶。Your kids grow up so fast you get whiplash.

你知道吗,你心情的变化好像是抽了我一鞭子。You know, your mood swings are kind of giving me whiplash.

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如果你追随健康研究的新闻,那么你危险了。If you follow the news about health research, you risk whiplash.

你被撞伤了,要用束带固定两星期。You have whiplash. You'll need to wear a neck device for two weeks.

如果你骑一那种事物,最糟糕的是你将被会被严厉的鞭打。If you rode one of those things, the least you'd get would be severe whiplash.

在对俄罗斯意义重大的一些问题上出现了左右摇摆的状况。There has been a certain amount of policy whiplash on issues important to Russia.

“感兴趣的人以上文章”何时可以得到补偿的鞭?People interested in the above article When Can You Get Compensation For Whiplash?

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落井下石,是全长从新泽西州的鞭挞金属乐队的第三张录音室专辑,头颈部。Insult to Injury is the third full-length studio album from New Jersey thrash metal band, Whiplash.

人与严重的头部或颈部受伤,似乎是在风险增加发展中国家的痴呆症。People with severe head or whiplash injuries appear to be at increased risk of developing dementia.

被动安全系统组成包括安全带、安全气囊,和WHIPS头颈部保护系统。Examples on passive safety systems include safety belts, airbags , and WHIPS whiplash protection system.

颈椎遭受8个重力加速度下模拟的挥鞭伤,并计算前纵韧带应力峰值。The cervical spine was subjected to simulated whiplash at 8 g acceleration and peak ALL strains were computed.

小孩的成长快得好像在后面催着你,你的责任还没卸下来就已经满头华发了。Your kids grow up so fast you get whiplash. You get gray hairs before you're done getting your bearings on life.

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相应地,我们研究了一个和两个颈椎节段融合后,模拟挥鞭伤过程中前纵韧带的应力峰值。Accordingly, we investigated the peak strain of the ALL following single- and 2-level fusion during simulated whiplash.

事实上,不同群体的研究者的结论相去甚远,幅度就跟网球场上的抽球动作差不多。Indeed, the conclusions of different groups of researchers are so contradictory they could give a tennis umpire whiplash.

挥鞭样损伤是巨大的外力使颈部运动超出正常活动范围时脊柱颈段受伤。Whiplash is an injury to the cervical region of the spine when a great force causes the neck to go beyond its normal range of motion.

造成创伤的原因大多是机动车事故、坠落伤,而颈部挥鞭伤、按摩、甚至非常轻微的外伤导致椎动脉损伤亦有文献报道。This problem, which can also occur after whiplash injury, therapeutic neck manipulation and minimal trauma, has been described in the literature.

一般都称他为腕龙,这种温和的巨人有著庞大的身体,长长的脖子,小小的脑袋,和鞭子一样的尾巴是他用来自我防卫的。Once commonly called Brontosaurus, this gentle giant had a massive body, a long neck, a small head, and a whiplash tail it often used in self-defense.

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确信就像一根我们套在生活上的项链,希望来保护自己免受变化令人可怕、不停地鞭笞。Sureness is something like a neck brace, which we clamp around our lives, hoping to somehow protect ourselves from the frightening, constant whiplash of change.

应该在设计阶段通过动力计算来检验结构是否易于产生鞭梢效应,并按计算结果来调整结构的刚度或质量分布。Dynamic computation is suggested in the design stage to control the whiplash effect by means of adjusting the stiffness and mass distributation of the structure.

其他亮点包括安全带收紧和带力限制器以及安全带预警指标和头枕的抵消风险的挥鞭样损伤。Other highlights include belt tensioners and belt force limiters plus seatbelt warning indicator and head restraints that counteract the risk of whiplash injury.