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在黑暗中猫眼睁大了。The cat's eyes dilated in the darkness.

猫在黑暗中睁大眼睛。The cat dilated its eyes in the darkness.

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以扩张的形体和温柔的眼神把你们守望。With dilated form and lambent eyes watch'd you.

以皮肤视镜检查可发现丘疹上有扩张的小孔。The dermatoscopy revealed dilated puncta on the papules.

将眼睑翻转可发现一扩张的睑板腺。Eversion of the eyelid may show a dilated meibomian gland.

这扩张和增大的心脏是室壁瘤。This enlarged and dilated heart has a large ventricular aneurysm.

她不断地夸奖园林和府第的美丽,让他高兴。She dilated on the beauty of the park and the Hall to gratify him.

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空腔内有角质,角质细胞及毛发。There were keratin, corneocytes and hair shafts in the dilated cavity.

肺切面可见肺气肿扩张的含气区。On cut section of the lung, the dilated airspaces with emphysema are seen.

自身免疫为扩张型心肌病可能的发病机制之一。Autoimmunity is one of the probable pathogenesis of dilated cardiomyopathy.

乳汁充盈输乳管回声多样。The lactiferous ducts was dilated by milk and showed various echo patterns.

摄影师对这幅照片的评价可以理解为,“请注意看她的大眼睛。”The photographer's comments for this image read, "Note the dilated pupils."

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患有扩张型心肌病的宠物狗至少食用纯素4年。All dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy had been vegan for at least four years.

白晖晖突然倒在地上,呼吸困难,瞳孔放大。Bai Huihui suddenly fell to the ground, breathing difficulties, dilated pupils.

血管畸形中血管极度扩张,VEGF表达极弱。In vascular malformation, vessels dilated abnormally with weakly expressed VEGF.

回盲瓣和末端回肠常呈扩张面而不狭窄。The ileocecal valve and terminal ileum are usually dilated rather than stenosed.

切面可见有扩张的小囊,肿瘤可见有小灶出血和坏死。On sectioning, they contain dilated small cysts, with foci of haemorrhage and necrosis.

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卖得最好的玩具总是胀鼓鼓的娃娃以及瞳孔大大的动物宝宝。The best selling toys have always been plump dolls and baby animals with dilated pupils.

病变特点为曲管扩张,内含蛋白管型。Renal changes were characterized by dilated tubules and protein casts in dilated tubules.

眼睑,眼球转动,瞎,光脓肿和眼睑反射。Eyelid snapping, rolled eyes, dilated pupils, blind and abscess of light & palpebral reflex.