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对,渐强Okay, crescendo.

交响乐团即将演奏到音量渐强的一节。The orchestra was working up to a crescendo.

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在你的维持阶段中,你可以放置一个词句指示物在渐强撼动上。During your upkeep, you may put a verse counter on Rumbling Crescendo.

演示版的第三段也就是最后一段是大坝的倒下。The third and final section of my demo was the crescendo of the dam experience.

一段突然的渐强音使音乐在半个小节内从最弱音增强到强音。A sudden crescendo forces the music from pianissimo back to forte in only half a bar.

去年12月,国内对总统的批评似乎渐增—投票人给了总统一份间接的好战行为回绝书。This seemed to reach a crescendo last December when voters handed him a serious indirect rebuff.

这类融资活动何时达到高潮,可能取决于中国地方政府真实的财政状况。The true quality of local governments' finances could determine when the trend reaches a crescendo.

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随着选民登记的进行,和在1964年通过的投票权法案,这样的事愈演愈烈。It had come to a kind of crescendo with voter registration drives and the Voting Rights Act of 1964.

在比开始的基调几乎低了两个八度的地方,钢琴以几个渐强音再次出现。Nearly two octaves below the initial pitch, the piano makes several crescendo efforts to rise again.

汽车喇叭的尖声怪叫达到了高潮,于是我掉转身,穿过草地回家。The caterwauling horns had reached a crescendo and I turned away and cut across the lawn toward home.

样板房创造了一个美丽的欧洲风格创意的杰作,那就在于它与周围环境的完美和谐。Crescendo has created a beautiful European inspired masterpiece that is in perfect harmony with its surroundings.

一段更简洁、沉思般的钢琴部分之后,交响乐团再一次行动,演奏出威胁性的渐强音。After a brief, more pensive piano part, the orchestra launches into action, articulating again its crescendo threats.

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在1915年推出的全世界首款使用12缸发动机的双6缸款柏加汽车,以其良好的口碑而声名鹊起。The 1915 introduction of the Twin-Six Packard, one of the first 12-cylinder automobiles, created a crescendo of favorable publicity.

在此期间,肌肉紧张向无以复加的顶点增强,所有阴蒂组织则因为血液供给的增加而变得高度敏感。In the meantime, muscle tension builds to a crescendo and all of the clitoral tissues become hypersensitive due to the increased blood supply.

而在胡主席及其他领袖们的应许之下,奥运会开幕式成为又一个高潮。It was then taken to an even higher crescendo during the Opening Ceremony, when Confucius was quoted as Hu and other leaders looked on with approval.

在一个片刻,一切都看似冷静了下来,随后出现了一个突然的渐强,交响乐团蹦出一段最强音的断奏,伴随着狂野滑行的钢琴部分。For a moment, things seem to calm down, then a sudden crescendo in the orchestral staccato pumps up a fortissimo, illustrated by a wild, sliding piano part.

他罗列出一大堆必须向他购买灭火器的理由,似乎决心不让我发出一丝一毫拒绝或者质疑的声音。He built up to a crescendo of reasons why his fire extinguisher was a "must-have" item, and seemed determined not to let me voice any objections or questions.

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“对美元有一种越来越强烈的消极情绪,这导致大量猜测”,FOREX.com的首席货币战略分析师布赖恩·多兰表示。"There's been a crescendo in negative sentiment against the dollar, leading to a flood of speculation," said Brian Dolan, chief currency strategist at

丹尼。维尔贝克认为自己的英格兰成年国家队首秀是“痛并快乐着”,他走进球场时加纳球迷发出了很大的嘘声。Danny Welbeck has described his senior England debut as a "bittersweet moment" after entering the pitch to a crescendo of boos from the visiting Ghana supporters.

这个相对主观的术语产生了声音选择库,包含即时声音输出、声音逐渐升高并下降以及第三组渐增的声音。This relatively subjective term produces a sound bank selection with immediate sound output, gradual peak and decline, and a third group with a gradual crescendo.