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卡尔还面临着一个不可移动租客的问题。Carr also faced the problem of an unmovable tenant.

更有趣的是,不会有无法移动的物体。More interestingly, there can never be an unmovable object.

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当一个无法阻挡的力量,碰到了一个无法移动的物体?What happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object?

然后她将开始挣扎,真正的挣扎,反抗那三个不能撼动的敌人。Then the struggle would begin. The real struggle against three unmovable enemies.

一个无法移动的物体必须有无限大的惯性,无限大的惯性,就需要无限大的质量。An unmovable object would have to have infinite inertia, and therefore infinite mass.

而无限大的质量不会存在于我们这个有限的世界。Infinite mass cannot exist in our finite universe, therefore an unmovable object cannot exist.

非法证据排除规则是现代刑事证据规则中不可或缺的组成部分。The exclusionary rules of illegal evidence are unmovable parts of modern rules of criminal evidence.

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她只是僵硬坐在套着深蓝色罩子的沙发的边缘,凝望着天空,一动不动。She just sat stiffly on the edge of the dark blue velvet-covered sofa, staring into space, unmovable.

例如「看不见的东西变成看得见」,「不能动的东西变成能动」,「冒险式的未知技术变成科学式的技术」。For example like "See invisible thing", "Move unmovable thing" we try to science venturesome unknown technology.

石头用坚忍行走,星球用引力行走,历史用过去行走,伟大用谦卑行走。A stone sits unmovable , a satellite bends with gravity, history moves beyond the past, a great person walks humbly.

这些红羽衣的朋友有能力把我这个笨重不容易移动的大鲸从人海中抬出来。And these red feathered friends have the ability to lift me, the heavy unmovable whale out and away from the sea of users.

优化方案在输出管末端接有喷嘴型的触手,用以取出较大的不易运动的堵塞物。Optimize project is at the output pipe's end connects a muzzle-shape tentacle, which is used to take the unmovable stem out.

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不可移动文物的单体文物的修复、复制、拍摄、拓印,适用前款规定。Repairing, reproduction, photographing and carving on rubbings unmovable cultural relics shall be governed by the preceding paragraph.

当困在长长的、一动不动的车队中,我们多数人一定都曾经历过那种愤怒、沮丧,甚至绝望。Most of us must have experienced the anger, frustration and even despair when we got stuck in the long unmovable procession of vehicles.

系指仍然是液体状态的水泥浆,但它依然能够稠化或凝固变成不可流动的硬块。A term used to describe a cement slurry that remains liquid but is still capable of thickening or setting to become an unmovable solid mass.

传统经济理论中,由土地区位的不可移动性引申出房地产市场是区域性市场的理论存在着逻辑上的偏差。There exists a logical false in traditional economic theory that land zoning unmovable can leads to a hypothesis that real estate market is a local market.

但是,地层中可流动的水的矿化度,与不可流动的水的矿化度可能有很大差异,尤其在油田注水开发以后,其差异将更大。The acquired formation water sample only characterizes in-situ movable water rather than unmovable water, both of which there possibly exists distinct difference in salinity.

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国有不可移动文物的所有权不因其所依附的土地所有权或者使用权的改变而改变。Ownership of state-owned unmovable cultural relics shall not be changed as a result of the change of ownership of or use right to the land to which the cultural relics are attached.

国家文物局有关负责人6日透露,在经历拆迁风波后,梁思成林徽因故居确定将作为不可移动文物被保留。Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin's former residence, which has been suffering from the ongoing demolition, will be reserved as an unmovable cultural relic, the State Cultural Relic Bureau said Wednesday.