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我的意思是那家伙扑来。I mean lunged at the guy.

他用剑猛刺对手。He lunged at his opponent.

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那狗朝乞丐扑去。The dog lunged at the beggar.

这是有肺的种群。This is the class of lunged things.

车厢晃动着,我们赶紧抓住了把手。The carriage swayed, and we lunged for handholds.

我立时冲向他,五指弯成了爪子。I lunged at him then, my fingers curled into claws.

奇开转过身来,一个箭步冲向一只床边灯。Swinging around, Keycase lunged for a bedside lamp.

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她连人带棍子扑了过去,但脚下一滑,摔倒了。She lunged for it with her stick, but she slipped and fell.

说着,她从墙上拿下一把刀子,突然刺向他。She snatched a knife from the wall and lunged at him with it.

他向窃贼扑过去,为夺取武器与之搏斗。He lunged at the burglar and wrestled with jim for the weapon.

他扑向他所能看到并离他最近的一幅油画-一幅卡拉瓦乔的作品。He lunged for the nearest painting he could see, a Caravaggio.

我被狗绳拽倒在地,脸正好对着狗屎。He lunged forward in excitement and I landed face forward in the feces.

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大楼猛烈摇晃,一些人被甩到地上。The building lunged violently, and some people were thrown to the floor.

康维努力抓到了一根救生索,就在他抓住的同时,船开始打转。Conway lunged for a lifeline, caught it, and held on as the boat twisted.

当走到距离桥旧址河道还有十英尺的地方时,我的马猛地向前冲了一下,吓我一跳。About ten feet from where the bridge used to be, I lunged forward, startled.

他听见舵把啪的断了,就把断下的把手向鲨鱼扎去。He heard the tiller break and he lunged at the shark with the splintered butt.

它刚爬过笼门,我就一步跨上前去把笼门关上了。As soon as she passed the bars of the door, I lunged forward and slammed it shut.

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当我在车外拍摄时,一个家伙突然向我冲过来,抢夺我的摄像机。While I was filming outside the car, a guy lunged at me and grabbed at my camera.

当女儿把它拿起来,父母二人立刻扑向她然后把它从她手里夺出来。When the girl picked it up both parents lunged at her and pulled it from her hands.

只有大嗓门的代表们能于听众听到他们说的话。Only the leather- lunged representatives could make themselves heard by the audience.