Use 'lutheran' in a sentence
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占统治地位的宗教是路德教会。The predominant religion is Lutheran.
我现在是我所在的路德教堂的副会长。I'm now the vice president of my Lutheran church.
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该校的前称为马鞍山信义学校。The former name of the school was Ma On Shan Lutheran Primary School.
没有一个日期标志着路德派教会们的诞生。There is no single date that marks the birth of the Lutheran Churches.
信义愿与各界朋友共创辉煌的明天。Lutheran Church and friends of all circles to create a brilliant tomorrow.
不久肯尼联系上路德教友会的伊利诺伊儿童家庭服务中心。"Kenny" was soon in touch with Lutheran Child Family Services of Illinois.
威登是儿子,一个虔诚的主教的路德教会在瑞典。Swedenborg was the son of a devout bishop of the Lutheran Church in Sweden.
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她和她的丈夫哈勒瓦·朗宁一样,是路德教会的传教士和教师。She, like her husband, Halvor Ronning, was a Lutheran missionary and teacher.
对于路德宗教会来说,“以经解经”的原则是唯一的。The principle, "Scripture Interprets Scripture" is unique to the Lutheran church.
一个例子路德观念,被发现在该科对人的罪孽深重的条件。An example of Lutheran concepts is found in the section on man's sinful condition.
因其强调“因信称义”的教义,故亦称信义宗。Because of its emphasis on "justification by faith" doctrine, also called Lutheran.
路德教的牧师却改变萨米族人禁止吟唱这种歌曲,称之为罪恶的音乐。The Lutheran pastors who converted the Sami forbade yoiking, calling it devil's music.
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公司在2005年以来一直以信义第一,利润第二的原则不断壮大!In 2005 has been to Lutheran First, the second principle of profit from strength to strength!
瑞典四分之三的人是路德教会的成员,虽然出会率很低。Three-quarters of Swedes are members of the Lutheran church, though church attendance is low.
知不知道亚当是路德教徒?只有路德教徒才会站在一位裸体女人身边还有心思吃苹果。Do you know Adam was a Lutheran? Only a Lutheran would stand next to a naked woman and eat an apple.
为防止威胁解体,一个联盟的所有路德主教会议在美国被提出。To prevent the threatened disintegration , a union of all the Lutheran synods in America was proposed.
罗威信牧师利用在新竹学习华语的空档,也在信义神学院兼课。While studying Mandarin in Hsinchu, Joel Nordtvedt began teaching part-time at China Lutheran Seminary.
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在父亲的强烈要求下,黑格尔1788年加入了路德会宗教研讨会。Urged by his pietist father to enter the clergy, he registered in the Tubingen Lutheran seminary in 1788.
韦维尔是一个来自俄罗斯的犹太父亲和一个有德国祖先的路德教母亲的女儿。Wevill was the daughter of a Jewish father of Russian extraction and a Lutheran mother of German ancestry.
农场主很生气,他把我送进波兹曼的路德教会孤儿院,我再没看到过那家农场。The rancher was so angry he sent me to live at the Lutheran orphanage in Bozeman. I never saw the ranch again.