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他的继子对他仍然很疏远。His stepson is still very distant towards him.

她对他继子的虐待,我无法容忍。I can't tolerate her wronging his young stepson.

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我的继子是一个关爱他人、体贴周到的人。My stepson is a caring, considerate, worthy human being.

怀特在他缅因的农场里写信给他的继子说。White writes to his stepson in 1964 from his farm in Maine.

你亲生儿子遗弃你时在你的继子陪在你身边。Your stepson stayed by your side when your own son deserted you.

我继子就是在自己的生日宴会上被我们家一位世交相中,而找到了工作。My stepson was hired by a family friend after meeting him at a birthday party.

如果我要爱我的邻居,难道我不该对我自己麻烦的继子爱的更多吗?If I were to love my neighbor, was I not to love my own troubled stepson even more?

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我向她请教她对继子在北卢安瓜涉嫌杀人指控的看法。I asked Delia about the accusations that her stepson had shot the man in North Luangwa.

面对一个会成为你的继子的孩子,这与热恋中的任何其他的舞台不同。Meeting a child who may become your stepson is not like any other stage in a courtship.

现在,她已经成为3个女儿和1个继子的母亲,而且还是一名虔诚的基督教徒。Today she is the married mother of three daughters and a stepson and is a devout Christian.

美国弗吉尼亚州一名41岁女子因为密谋杀害其丈夫和继子被处以死刑。A 41-year-old woman who conspired to murder her husband and stepson has been executed in the US state of Virginia.

隋朝时开始娣的女儿成为慈禧太后的北周,她的继子为新皇帝。The Sui Dynasty began when Wendi's daughter became the Empress Dowager of Northern Zhou, with her stepson as the new emperor.

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这位76岁的基金经理为了找回一封信当天和继子通过话,而他的家人认为这封信可能是他自杀的讯号。The 76-year-old called his stepson that day to try to retrieve a letter interpreted by family members as a possible suicide note.

他们称,邻居告诉他们要归咎到这段录像上,因为这名妇女的继子认为录像令家族蒙羞。They say neighbours have told them the video was to blame because the woman's stepson thought it was an assault on the family's honour.

盖恩先生相信孤独症和疫苗两者间存在着一定的联系,因为他患有孤独症的继子贾斯汀,在经过童年的全程接种后,表现出了行为的改变。Glenn believed there was a link because his stepson Justin, who has autism, exhibited behavioral changes after his childhood vaccinations.

巴西媒体报道,将数十根缝衣针刺入两岁继子体内的巴西男子称,他意图杀死孩子以报复他的妻子。The Brazilian man who pushed dozens of sewing needles into his two-year-old stepson says he wanted to kill him to spite his wife, say media reports.

从无底潭旁边,踏着脚窝,扶栏溯溪而上,转出一个山弯,黑龙真潭就到了。Beside the "No Bottom pool", stepson footprints, walk up with you hands on the banisters , take a turning you will reach the "Really Black Dragon Pool".

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奥巴马母亲再婚另一名穆斯林罗洛·苏托罗,他”送继子进雅加达一所瓦哈比学校教育他成为优秀穆斯林“的说法属实吗?Did Obama's mother go on to marry another Muslim named Lolo Soetoro who "educated his stepson as a good Muslim by enrolling him in one of Jakarta's Wahabbi schools?"

他走进继子的病房,在于前来看望儿子的前妻进行了激烈的争吵之后,开枪射伤了她的手臂和其新任男友的手臂及头部。He entered the room where his teenage stepson was a patient and argued with his estranged wife, allegedly shooting her in the arm and shooting her boyfriend in the arm and head.

不过眼下,它还只是一个缺钱少粮的新机构。“他们的预算很紧张,所以我开出了针对非营利机构的价码”,马克说道。"They were on a tight budget, so I charged them my nonprofit rate, " says Harmel , who works out of a cozy but crowded office in the back of the house he shares with his wife and stepson.