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博比望着她腼腆地咧嘴一笑。Bobby looked at her with a sheepish grin.

中国的领导人如此低调并非没有道理。China’s leaders have reason to be sheepish.

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此外,他们也不愿承认自己那么容易上当受骗。They're also sheepish about their own gullibility.

它表现为山羊的头发和绵羊的毛。It showed patches of both goatish hair and sheepish wool.

比利,也就是那名罪犯,随后也进来了,他看起来蛮羞怯的。Billy, the offender, came in afterwards, looking quite sheepish.

导演也只能为这个意外心虚地向他道歉。Bay could only give a sheepish apology for the extra's misfortune.

鲍什迷们不断将他的演讲发给朋友们。As Dr. Pauschs fans emailed his speech to friends, some were sheepish.

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女人走后我瞥了他一眼,他看起来腼腆又愉快。I glanced over at him as the woman departed. He looked sheepish but pleased.

他脸上一直带着温顺的笑容,他能感到自己正被一种温情与热爱紧紧地包围着。With a sheepish smile, he felt and basked in love that flowed freely all around him.

他已经十七岁了,胸腔里跳动着一颗敏感而羞怯的心。He had become seventeen years old, and a sensitive and sheepish heart was pulsing in his chest.

孩子们的脸上流露出不好意思的神情,还有一些孩子还朝地上的垃圾瞟了一眼。There's a look of sheepish recognition on some kids' faces, and a few scan the area for litter.

我面有惭色地耸耸肩,彷佛解释的很差强人意地答说,是泡沫化。It was a bubble, I would respond with a sheepish shrug, as if that were an adequate explanation.

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尽管如此,但周围的冷嘲热讽还是很快地变成了口气温和的询问,人们开始打听她儿子下午在学校参加了哪些精彩的活动。Soon, however, sneers turned to sheepish questions abouther son’s exciting afternoon activities.

本来在座的个个都巴不得想干这份志愿差使,经历了这场冲突后这帮人感觉都像绵羊似的,谁都只字不提了。Everybody wished they could volunteer, but after the fight they felt sheepish and no one said a thing.

这就像是我们造了一架一级方程式赛车却感到浑身不自在,仅仅因为它和汽车应该的摸样相差太远。It was as if we'd created a Formula 1 car but felt sheepish because it didn't look like a car was supposed to look.

但是这次跟以前不一样了,就像你想给别人一件不值钱的东西时的感觉一样,我觉得不好意思了。But this time something new happened. I felt that sheepish feeling you get when you offer someone something worthless.

故事的主角儿是一头狮子。他阴差阳错地被一只母羊当作“羊羔”养大。所以,他也一般无二地具有羊类的怯懦。The hero is a lion. He was brought up with a mother sheep as a "lamb" by mistake. And he was as " sheepish " as a sheep.

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我得用牛排刀割开一片意大利细面,先给查理,然后给我自己,而他则用驯服的眼神注视着我。I had to use a steak knife to cut a portion of spaghetti for Charlie and then myself, while he watched with a sheepish expression.

一到家,他母亲大声宣布蠲免媳妇当天的各项任务,因为她丈夫回来了。His wife looked sheepish as her mother-in-law loudly and ostentatiously excused her from various duties because her husband was home.

就像其他杀价新手一样,多尔蒂刚开始还价时觉得局促不安,但成功后感到十分振奋。Like many other first-time hagglers, Dougherty started out feeling a little sheepish and ended up finding the process rather exhilarating.